DADC Student Agreement

Mar 12, 2025 06:03 AM

Privacy Policy
Personal Information
Your privacy is very important to Dynamic Artistry Dance Co. Accordingly, we have developed this Privacy Policy for clarity in how we collect, use, communicate, disclose and make use of personal information. The following outlines our privacy policy.
• Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.
• We will collect and use personal information solely with the objective of fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other compatible purposes, unless we obtain the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law.
• We will only retain personal information as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.
• We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.
• Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and to the extent necessary for those purposes should be accurate, complete, and up to date.
• We will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
• We will make information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information readily available.
• We are committed to conducting business in accordance with these principles to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained.
All fees will be posted to student accounts at least 7 days prior to their due date, with a $10 late fee being charged if not paid within 7 days of the due date. This allows for 14 days or more to make payments on student accounts without penalty. Payments can be made by debit/credit, ACH, check or cash and can be set up as autopay within the parent portal. All debit/credit payments will incur a 3.05% + $.30 processing fee, and ACH will incur a .80% processing fee both direct fees from the payment processing company and not a profitable charge to DADC.
Tuition refunds will only be granted on an all or nothing basis. The total tuition can be refunded if the dancer did not attend any classes during the tuition month.
Refunds will be made in the form of credits to student accounts to be applied to future tuition and will not include the cost of credit card or bank draft fees.
All other refunds will be handled on an individual basis, under the knowledge that DADC has the right to deny a refund for any given reason.
Media Release
DADC reserves the right to take and share photography and videography of students for use on social media, website, advertisement, etc. Student personal information including their last name will never be used in conjunction with a photograph of them, as to identify them directly on public posting platforms.
Liability Release
At DADC, we are committed to teaching our students the safest way to reach their goals and to prevent injury, but as dancers we are at risk of injury. By committing to taking classes at Dynamic Artistry Dance Co., you are agreeing that the student remains in good health and there are no current medical concerns in which would make it dangerous for the student to partake in activities that involves movement at high and low intensities, including but not limited to spinning, being upside down, flipping, balancing, kicking, stretching, lifting, crouching, kneeling, pushing and pulling. If a student does obtain an injury, it is the recommendation of DADC that medical advice be sought out, however we are not responsible financially for the necessary medical attention that may be needed.
Discounts must be directly discussed with the studio director prior to the start of the season, or at the time that discount requirements are met. All discounts will be applied individually and will not be combined as a whole percentage.
Class Cancellations
DADC will do their best to ensure there is quality instructor coverage for all classes through the season but in the event of any cancellations, students will be permitted to take a makeup class during any other class that is level appropriate based on the instructors’ guidance within that following week. Classes can only be made up within 7 days of the cancellation but will not be rescheduled nor eligible for any refund or prorated tuition.
It is the student/parent responsibility to ensure that dancers are in attendance for their weekly classes but understand that illnesses, school commitments, and other things could hinder their ability to always be present. We require that parents inform the instructor and/or director of the absence prior to class start time. Absences based on the student/parent obligations cannot be made up, nor refunded and/or prorated.
Late Arrivals
Students who are more than 10 minutes late to class, without prior communication to the instructor and/or studio owner, will not be permitted to participate in class and will not be eligible for any refund or prorated tuition.
Class Uniforms
While DADC does not have a specific uniform that dancers are required to wear within class, there are certain styles of clothing that are required for each class. These uniform requirements are imperative in the safety and improvement of each of our artists and if not followed, will prohibit a student from participating in class. Rather, the student will be required to observe and take notes on instruction and correction they witness during class time.
DADC has their artist and instructor safety at the forefront of their focus. These policies in their entirety are built to ensure that the studio environment remains a safe and trustworthy space for our dance families. As well, 24/7 recorded surveillance allows view in all areas of the studio both inside and outside (excluding the bathroom, basement, and back alley). While the classrooms are not viewable during instruction time, we do ensure that our artist will remain protected and that there will be protection for all parties if there is ever any event in question.

For questions, concerns, or clarification on the policies and standards of Dynamic Artistry Dance Co. please contact Mallory Idavoy, Studio Owner and Artistic Director at