Waiver Summer 2024

Mar 14, 2025 08:12 AM

I understand that there are risks of physical injury associated with, arising out of, and inherent to the activity of dance. In recognition of this acknowledged risk of injury, I knowingly and voluntarily waive all right and/or causes of action of any kind, including any and all claims of negligence arising as a result of such activity from which liability could accrue to Slick Motion Studios, its officers, agents, employees, instructors, subsidiaries, parent corporations, and all affiliated entities (hereinafter collectively referred to as Slick Motion Studios).
I hereby agree to release Slick Motion Studios and hold Slick Motion Studios harmless of all liability, and hereby acknowledge that I knowingly and voluntarily assume full responsibility for all risks of physical injury arising out of active participation in dance on behalf of the participant. I am aware that this is a release of liability and an acknowledgment of my voluntary and knowing assumption of the risk of injury. I have signed this document voluntarily and of my own free will in exchange for the privilege of participation.
My child is good physical health to the best of my knowledge and has my permission to participate in Slick Motion Studios events and activities. I warrant the below information is complete and correct. I further release Slick Motion Studios of all liabilities associated with my child’s attendance at Slick Motion Studios.

I, as the legal parent/guardian of the child registered above, grant SLICK MOTION STUDIOS, LLC my permission to take and use photographs and videos of my child for any legal use, including but not limited to: publicity, copyright purposes, illustration, advertising, and web content. Furthermore, I understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.

I, as the legal parent/guardian of the child registered above, understand that enrollment in the programs offered by SLICK MOTION STUDIOS, are completely voluntary and can be cancelled with a 30-day written notice. I understand that by executing an early termination of my child's enrollment to the program, means that we are no longer entitled to guaranteed enrollment in the future should my child decide to re-enroll. I understand that I will be financially responsible for fulfilling the 30-days tuition regardless of if my child attends class or not. I understand that failure to provide written notice of my child's cancellation, will result in my financial obligation to pay, in full, the monthly tuition and any late-fees incurred during my child's absence from the program.

I, as the legal parent/guardian of the child registered above, understand that enrollment in the camps/workshops/events offered by SLICK MOTION STUDIOS, are completely voluntary and must be paid in-full before my child may participate. I understand that if I cancel my child's enrollment to the scheduled event I may not be entitled to a full refund and/or guaranteed enrollment in future events should my child decide to re-enroll. I understand that I will be financially responsible for fulfilling the full tuition regardless of if my child attends class or not. I understand my financial obligation to pay, in full, the event tuition and accept responsibility for any late-fees incurred in the event of my failure to pay the event tuition on/before the expected due date.