Rules and Policies
Mar 13, 2025 03:08 PM
The undersigned, parent/ guardian waive & release any & all claims against Dance Starz Academy of NJ (herein referred to as DSA), its agents, teachers and employees, for any personal injury sustained out of participation in any classes, rehearsals, performances, on or off the premises of DSA. I understand that DSA does follow all CDC & state guidelines to prevent Covid 19 or the spread of it but acknowledge that since they are open to the pubic they cannot make any guarantees of an outbreak. I agree to provide medical insurance for my child & I have read the rules & policies listed below.
Costumes range from $80-$100. A $50
costume deposit is due by Oct 15th in order
for your child to participate in recital. The costume
balance is due when they come in. Once tried
on & signed for, DSA is no longer responsible
for any damage or missing pieces of a costume.
All dancers will use the same costume for both
shows so please keep it clean & stored away.
The dress code will be strictly enforced. All
dancers MUST wear a leotard, tights &
shoes. Hair pulled back. Boys are to wear a
t-shirt & black pants or shorts. Please
have your dancers arrive ready for class. All shoes
can be purchased at Main steet dancewear in
Woodbridge. No jewelry is allowed to be worn in
class. Dance Starz will NOT be held
responsible for missing or damaged
jewelry, shoes or clothing. We encourage
each parent to double check your childs
dance bag & lost & found before leaving .
Halloween – Sunday Oct 31st
Thanksgiving – Thursday Nov 23rd
Winter Break – Friday Dec 24rd – Saturday Jan 1st
Spring Break – April 1st – April 6th
Memorial Day – Monday May 27th
Classes begin – September 5th
Winter Showcase – December 16th *Tentative*
Picture Day – May 18th
Dress Rehearsals - Thursday before
Recital – June 21st-22nd *Tentative*
Last Day of Classes – June 23rd
An annual registration fee of $35 is due at sign up. Tuition is due
by the 1st of the month. We are now accepting payment by
cash app ($AmyPanza) or Venmo (@Amy-Panza-Fabian)
Payments can also be paid on your parent portal.
Payments received after the 10th will result in a $20 late fee.
You may also leave a card on file.Tuition is calculated on a
yearly basis of 40 weeks & divided into montly payments. No
matter how many classes the dancer has, tuition is the same.
Good attendance is crucial for your childs
development. If your child is missing please call
the office & let the receptionist know. If your child
misses a class they are able to make it up free of
charge but it must be made up within 2 weeks.
There are NO refunds for missed classes.