Social Media Waiver

Mar 14, 2025 08:12 AM


Use of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, SnapChat, blogging and other social media outlets is commonplace. This policy is intended to provide Dancin Spirit parents and students guidelines for the use of social media.

You do not have permission to reveal any information that compromises Dancin Spirit. By that we mean, the sharing of personal information about the director, staff, students and/or their families or any proprietary and/or confidential information is strictly prohibited!
• Students and parents should neither claim nor imply that they are speaking on behalf of Dancin Spirit.
• Use discretion when posting pictures, including those of other students at Dancin Spirit. Obey copyright laws!
• Never post anything that could compromise self-esteem of students attending Dancin Spirit.
• Posting of any of classes, rehearsals, etc is strictly prohibited, unless authorized by Director in advance.
• Dancin Spirit owns the copyright to all choreography presented at/by the school.
• Respect the law, including those laws governing defamation, discrimination, harassment, copyright, and fair use. Parents and students should never post negative comments about other schools, teachers, or events, including competitions, conventions and performances.
• Although your personal pages are yours, and you are entitled to your own opinions, if its content in any way breaks our above stated policy, a meeting with Director is merited & discussion of status at Dancin Spirit will be determined.