Miller Marley School of Dance & Voice Policies & Procedures
Mar 14, 2025 08:11 AM
Miller Marley School of Dance and Voice
Policies and Procedures
10448 Mastin Street Overland Park, KS 66212
Phone: 913-492-0004
The Miller Marley Handbook is a guide to policies, procedures, and general information pertinent to the school. Our policies are in effect to ensure the integrity of each class and to promote a professional working environment that is conducive to learning. The safety, security and well-being of the students is our utmost concern. Miller Marley is constantly striving to better serve its customers and to maintain the highest standards possible. Your support and cooperation with regard to our policies and procedures is greatly appreciated.
Arrival and Dismissal
All parents must be responsible for being on time dropping off and picking up their children.
•Parents are strongly advised to be on time to pick up their student, a call to the studio is required if a parent is going to be late.
•Miller Marley is not responsible for any children who are left unattended in empty classrooms or outside the studio.
•Upon arrival do not leave children unattended until the instructor is present.
•Upon dismissal, if parents are not present for pick-up, instructors will send students to the office to check on arrangements for pick-up.
Attendance and Make-up Policy
Progress is dependent upon consistent attendance. Making up classes is an indication of a conscientious student. Please observe these policies with regard to making up a missed class.
•Make-up classes should be taken during the 10-week Session in which the absence(s) occurred.
•Make-up classes can be carried over from the Fall to Winter or Winter to Spring Session upon the consent of the Office Staff.
•Missed classes cannot be made up in a Session for which the student has not paid. Make-ups are never carried over to the Summer Session.
•Students may make-up in a class that is at the same level of instruction or a level below, or authorized by the student’s teacher.
•Students are allowed to make-up in a closed level / class, they are just not allowed to enroll in the class.
All continuing students are required to enroll again prior to the first day of their Fall and Summer classes. Upon enrolling, every student is required to re-enroll through their Student Portal in Dance Studio-Pro. As you are near completion of the registration process, there will be two Waivers that will need your approval, Miller Marley School of Dance & Voice Policies and Procedures and your Student’s Medical Form. Your approval is indicated by a check in the box in front of the statement, “I agree to the Terms and Conditions”. This approval will release and hold harmless the Miller Marley School of Dance & Voice for any liability, claim, cause of action or loss of any kind. It will authorize permission for the use of photos, videos or any image promoting Miller Marley School of Dance & Voice.
The Miller Marley Office Staff will request that a hard copy of each student’s medical information be filed in the Office. Our Health Form can be obtained on our website at or a copy is available in our Office. Only one form is needed per family, information on all siblings can be recorded on the same form.
Class Tuition
Miller Marley School of Dance & Voice has chosen Dance Studio-Pro as their platform for online student enrollment and payment of fees.
Upon enrolling, Parents will need to establish a Parent Portal, completing their registration information online and setting up their auto-pay account with a current credit card. A transaction page in the Parent Portal will provide a family journal of the account, documenting payments that are posted, collected, or received.
New families enrolling in a class(es) must pay the session tuition in full due for the session that enrollment begins. Subsequent tuition payments may be set up through a payment arrangement, created by a member of the Miller Marley Office Staff.
Class Tuition is collected through Dance Studio-Pro’s Autopay feature, collecting tuition payments quarterly or monthly on the 5th of each month. It is the customer’s responsibility to make sure that credit card information is up to date and ready for payment by the 5th, scheduled date. Alternate dates for payment can be designated but must be arranged by a member of the Office Staff. Tuition Due Dates are communicated in the following manner:
•Verbally as part of the registration process to a NEW customer for Miller Marley’s Fall and Summer Sessions.
•Continually documented on the Miller Marley Website Calendar.
•Included in the Miller Marley Community Emails.
Class Placement
Towards the end of the Spring Session as we begin to enroll for Summer classes, returning students to Miller Marley will be given the opportunity to view their class recommendations and pre-enroll through our Dance Studio-Pro platform, as each student enrolls for a new year of instructional training. A NEW student to Miller Marley may be offered a placement class by a member of our Miller Marley teaching staff, in which the instructor will determine the correct class level for the student. A private placement may be arranged through a Miller Marley instructor when a class placement is not possible. The private placement cost is $20.00.
Dropping A Class
•A DROP Class Form must be completed and turned into the office when a student is dropping a class.
•If the DROP Class Form is received after the Quarter has started, the responsible party still will be obligated to pay the tuition for the number of classes taken in the quarter at the rate of $20.00 per class hour.
•Regardless of whether a student is attending class, the studio will continue to charge the account until a DROP Form has been received.
Cancellation of Classes / Closed Classes
•There must be a minimum of 10 students enrolled to provide a class. If fewer than 10 students are enrolled by the second week, the class will be cancelled. At that time, the Office Staff will attempt to look at other available class options. If a satisfactory class is not available, tuition will be refunded minus $18.50 per class taken.
•The determination to close a class when the enrollment has been reached or exceeded is made by the individual instructor.
•Closed classes are identified and assessable online in The Schedule-At-A-Glance and on the printed Schedule designed for the Fall through Spring and Summer Enrollment Periods.
Vocal Instruction
Miller Marley offers private voice lessons. A complete list of instructors can be obtained by calling the studio or checking the Miller Marley website. Tuition varies and is paid directly to the instructor.
Coterie Theatre
Miller Marley offers a wide variety of acting classes in affiliation with The Coterie Theatre. These classes take place at Miller Marley. Tuition is paid to the Coterie Theatre. For further information regarding policies, scheduling, and class descriptions, contact
Parent / Teacher Communication
Parents with concerns about their child are encouraged to make an appointment to conference with the child’s instructor. Often teachers do not have the necessary time to devote to discussions before or after class, scheduling an appointment will benefit both parties and will prove to make conferencing beneficial.
Observation Policy
•Parents and guests are welcome to observe classes during Watch Week, held at the end of each Quarter. The Recital / Dance Showcase takes the place of our Spring Watch Week in those classes participating in the performance.
•Before enrollment, prospective families are welcome to make an appointment to observe any class / classes of interest. This may be done with the consent of the individual instructor.
•After enrolling, any party who wishes to observe a class for reasons other than those listed above, must obtain permission from the instructor.
•Observation is not permitted when a substitute teacher is conducting the class.
Consistent and effective communication is key to establishing a successful partnership between our families and the school. Miller Marley utilizes the following methods to communicate information:
•Through personal phone calls and one on one conversations.
•Through memos posted in studio windows and on the studio bulletin board located in the office lobby.
•Via email (Parents are asked to keep an updated email address on file.)
•The Miller Marley Website:
•Facebook Page / Instagram / Twitter “X”
Injury (See Liability Release Form Included in Enrollment Packet)
•Where matters of safety are concerned, Miller Marley reserves the right to correct the behavior of any child who is behaving in such a way as to cause harm to himself /herself or others.
•Should a child become injured, the parent(s) will be notified immediately. Parents are strongly advised to carry their cell phones with them at all times and to have emergency phone numbers up to date and on file in the office.
•Since dance is a physical activity, injuries may occur. Each student may decline to participate in any activity that he /she deems harmful and must inform the instructor of any physical limitations that may prevent full participation.
•If a student has a long-term injury that requires them to be absent from physical activity, a doctor’s note will be required in order for that student to be excused from class. A doctor’s release will be required upon return. Tuition for missed classes will be reviewed and decided upon by the Office Manager and the Account Manager.
Food and Drink – Trash and Personal Belongings
To promote a neat, clean, and orderly environment, we ask that all patrons make a conscious effort to pick up their personal belongings and to throw away trash.
•Food or Drink is allowed in the Student Lounge areas of Studio #5 and Studio #6.
•Water bottles should be labeled with the student’s first and last name.
•Drinking fountains are located in Studio #1, #5 and #6.
•Miller Marley cannot be responsible for any personal belongings left at the Studio. A Lost & Found is located in the back of Studio #5.This includes clothing, water bottles and miscellaneous items. Cell phones, jewelry or items of great value will be held in the Office.
•All adult and teenage drivers should drive safely in the parking lot and watch carefully for other drivers and pedestrians, especially small children.
•Do not park or wait in undesignated areas.
•Parents are advised to caution children to use the crosswalk when entering the parking lot.
Photo, Video and Audio Consent
By enrolling in Miller Marley School of Dance and Voice, all families give their permission to the studio to photograph, video film and/or record their children and further consent to use the materials including recital videos, class photos and all promotional material to the Miller Marley website, social media or promotionals.
Website: Facebook Page
The Miller Marley Website is an online comprehensive informational, educational, and entertaining public resource. This website can be accessed at:
The Miller Marley Facebook page contains up to the minute scheduling and general information with additional photographs, videos, and social commentary. This can be accessed on the Facebook page: Miller Marley School of Dance and Voice. The Miller Marley alumni Facebook page can be assessed by entering “Alumni of Miller Marley Dance Studio” in the Facebook search box.
Rules of Conduct
•Each student is expected to conduct himself/herself in an appropriate manner and to show respect for his/her instructors and fellow classmates at all times.
•Miller Marley has a zero-tolerance policy for bullying and will not allow the behavior of one student to jeopardize in any way the safety and/or physical, emotional well-being of another student.
•Students are required to arrive on time to class. Students who walk in late miss valuable class time and are a distraction to the students who are already there. Continual late arrivals to class must be approved by the instructor.
•Miller Marley cannot be responsible for students who leave the premises during breaks between classes. (See Parent Consent Form Included in the Enrollment Packet)
•Students may not chew gum in class or rehearsals.
All families associated with Miller Marley must take seriously and observe any and all rules contained herein that have been established to provide for the security and well-being of the student body.
Performance Opportunities
Miller Marley provides performance opportunities for its students that extend beyond the regular classroom!
Miller Marley’s Musical Theatre Performance Companies
TiniTainers: Grades - Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd
Minitainers: Grades 4th – 6th
Show Biz Performers: Grades 3rd – High School
Entertainers: Grades 6th – High School
Miller Marley’s musical theatre performance companies are well-known for their high caliber musical revues and have been performing in the Kansas City area for over 50 years. All material is tasteful, wholesome and age appropriate. Students who demonstrate exceptional skill, and outstanding work ethic are selected for these positions based on recommendations from their instructors. Eligibility requirements vary from troupe to troupe.
Tiny Competition Team (Ages 6-8), Junior Competition Team (Ages 9 through 12), and Teen / Senior Competition Team (Ages 12 to 15 and Ages 16 & UP)
The Miller Marley Competition Teams provide instruction in competitive dance along with the opportunity to attend dance conventions and competitions and to study with nationally recognized master teachers and choreographers.
Miller Marley Youth Ballet Company and YB 2
The Miller Marley Youth Ballet Companies are comprised of selected students who have demonstrated exceptional skills and a desire to further to further their artistic talents. Along with featured appearances at schools and cultural events, the group presents two mainstage productions a year.
•Clara’s Dream, Miller Marley’s annual holiday production, is an adaptation of the Nutcracker and includes over 60 aspiring young dancers and adults from the studio who act as Guest Performers.
•The Spring Ballet features an adaptation of a children’s classical ballet and several original presentations.
Miller Marley Dance Showcase and Recital for Little Stars
Every year Miller Marley holds an end-of-the-year recital that involves the student body. Participation is optional. The Dance Showcase is presented in odd-numbered years and includes the entire student body. The Recital for Little Stars is presented in even-numbered years and includes students from Levels 3 & UNDER with featured entertainment by the Miller Marley Performance Companies. The venue for these performances vary from year to year.
Severe Weather Information
To enable parents / caregivers to respond quickly if severe weather is imminent, they are advised to stay alert for current weather conditions by checking the television, radio, or internet for weather updates.
•The studio recommends that parents equip their children with cell phones to use for emergency purposes.
•Parents are advised to keep their cell phones turned on when their child is at the studio.
•Parents with children of driving age are encouraged to initiate a plan to follow in the event that the child is at the studio and the roads could be hazardous due to severe weather conditions.
•The decision regarding the child’s ability to drive under these conditions is at the sole discretion of his/ her parents.
•Families are always welcome to make their own decisions regarding class attendance if the weather is questionable or unsafe for travel. Weather conditions can vary throughout the Kansas City Metro, Miller Marley supports all personal decisions regarding family / student safety.
Spring and Summer Severe Weather
Under the following weather advisories, the studio will remain open but will be on the alert for changing weather conditions:
•Tornado Watch / Severe Weather Watch / Severe Thunderstorm Watch / Flash Flood Watch
•Severe Thunderstorm Warning / Flash Flood Warning / Severe Heat Warning
If a Tornado Warning is issued, the studio will close immediately!
The following protocol will be put in place, students will be escorted to the following areas to take cover: The back rooms of Studio 3, 4 and 6 – the back of Studio 2 and the storeroom and lounge areas of Studio 5 & 6. Once a Tornado Warning has been issued, parents are strongly encouraged to pick up their children (from the studio) as soon as possible by going to the designated areas as described above. If at such time the driving conditions are so hazardous as to pose a risk to the parent(s), those children who have not been picked up will remain in the designated areas until the “all clear” is announced and the roads are safe for travel. Those students who remain (after the majority have been picked up) will be transported to Shirley Marley’s home (located within two blocks of the studio) that is equipped with a basement. A note to this effect and directions to Shirley’s home will be posted on the door to the office.
Winter Severe Weather
Miller Marley will follow local school district decisions regarding school closings. If local districts cancel classes for the day, the studio will likely cancel the afternoon and evening classes for that day. If weather conditions were to change or improve throughout the day, Miller Marley will make the decision to open or close based on the road conditions and travel.
Families are always welcome to make their own decisions regarding class attendance if the weather is questionable or unsafe for travel. Weather conditions can vary throughout the Kansas City Metro, Miller Marley supports all personal decisions regarding family / student safety.
If a Winter Storm Watch / Warning is issued while classes are in session, the studio will remain open but will stay alert for changing weather conditions. Under these circumstances, if weather conditions worsen and the studio decides to close, all parents will be called to pick up their children immediately.
All weekend classes will be cancelled at the discretion of the studio.
If the studio is closed due to inclement weather, a message to this effect will be recorded on the studio voicemail, the Miller Marley website, Facebook and community email through Dance Studio-Pro.