Data Protection Policy

Mar 14, 2025 08:12 AM


• KLDA requires the following information when registering with us:
- Student’s Full Name
- Student’s Date of Birth
- Student’s Sex
- Student’s School Year (if applicable)
- Student’s Parent/Guardian Name, E-mail Address & Mobile/Home Contact Numbers
- Student’s Address
- Another form of Emergency Contact for Child – Mobile/Home Contact Numbers & Relation to Student
- Details of any Medical Conditions (Health/Allergies/Physical Awareness) – anything that may affect their ability to Dance
- Signature of Parent/Guardian giving/not giving permission for students to be filmed/photographed & agreeing to the terms & conditions in place to be a member of KLDA.
KLDA should be notified if any of the above information changes. If we try to contact you via the incorrect information, we hold no responsibility for you missing important information.

• The above data is required for
- Class Management - each student will be placed in a class suitable for their age group.
- Examinations – name & DOB will be passed onto the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) to enable the students to have a PIN number. The information is passed through the ISTD Quest system (GDPR compliant). The ISTD will store this data for examination purposes. KLDA will store the pin numbers for the examination application process.
- Correspondence – address may be required to forward on information regarding KLDA.
- Medical Conditions – required for the safety & wellbeing of your child. Teachers need to be aware of the details to deliver the classes in a suitable manner for each student.

• You are asked to register your details on our Dance Studio Pro Portal/App.
• All date is saved onto the DSP account & records are kept on the Principal’s encrypted work laptop. No paper copies are kept.
• Dance Studio Pro (GDPR compliant). This system is password protected. The Principal has access to all information. KLDA staff have access to their classes registers, student’s name, classes attending, emergency contacts & medical conditions. Each member of staff has their own password to enter the system.
• All parent’s emergency contacts are stored on the Principal’s encrypted work phone – to contact you regarding important information/emergencies.

• All KLDA staff have signed a GDPR form & are not allowed to use the personal information unless in an emergency.
• All KLDA staff will have awareness of those who are allowed to be photographed/videoed in class.

• All students must be registered for an ISTD Pin Number to allow them to take their exams.
• ISTD Pin Numbers require full name & DOB.
• All pin numbers are stored in Membermeister & on a spread sheet on the Principal’s encrypted computer.
• If you have attended a previous dance school & taken part in examinations – we require to use the same Pin Number previously used.
• When collating an examination timetable – name & pin numbers are submitted to the ISTD via an online portal called Quest.
• When an exam is processed, the Principal will receive report sheets via post. Then will receive exam certificates. All report sheets will be scanned into the Principal’s computer. The actual document will be given to the student during class.
• All student’s marks are collated into a spreadsheet for KLDA’s exam records.

• KLDA use the social media sites; Facebook, Instagram & has its own website.
• The sites are used for publicity, to share news, events & advertise the dance school.
• All social media updates are made by the Principal & KLDA staff.
• No personal data except names are shared on these sites.
• Photographs & videos are used to share with the public & to advertise.
• All students involved in all social media posts has consenting parental permission.
• All photographs/videos are stored in an encrypted password protected device.
• KLDA have their own private Facebook Group. Only parents/students (who are of age) of KLDA have access to this group. All parents must request to be a member. No private data will be discussed/enclosed on this group. Any posts that hold such information will be removed & said parent will be warned. Any private manner should be discussed personally with the Principal.
• Any testimonies given, names will be posted on either the Facebook/website.
• When ordering uniform via the KLDA website, you can create your own profile.
• This information will be stored on the website.

• No data is passed on to any third parties without your consent.
• Any personal data that needs to be passed on to the ISTD or Hertfordshire County Council, all parents will be notified or have given permission for this data to be passed on.
• Any time personal data does need to be passed on, all parents will be notified & asked for permission before the process occurs.

• KLDA hold Annual Shows to showcase their members.
• Parents can offer to help at these events. All parents must either hold a Chaperone License or a DBS Check, which the Principal has seen & requires a copy of.
• All helpers will have to have to sign a policy stating that all children they are assisting are in their duty of care & that any personal data they have witnessed is to remain with the Principal.
• All personal data will be kept backstage with the Principal in a locked filing cabinet.
• Any child with an extreme medical issue, the chaperone of that child will be notified. This chaperone will need to notify the Principal if there is any concern during the production.
• All children have a signed consent form to perform in the Summertime Show.
• All children have signed consent for photography & videography for the Principal & any outside organizations to take photos & videos of the performance.

What happens to your data if you leave the school?
• If you decide to hand your notice in, all personal data except the student’s name will be archived for a year & the enrolment form will be deleted.
• Students names, invoices & payment history will be kept as a record for the school’s business accounts.
• If a student has taken any examinations, under the school’s name, this information will also be stored for the school’s examination records.
• Any photos/videos will not be deleted on social media sites or in advertisements & will be continued to be used. You have the right to request that they are not used.
• You have the right for erasure. If you do not want this information to still be stored, you are entitled to request the information to be deleted, unless we as KLDA are required to keep it for legal obligations.
• If you are happy for KLDA to still store the information but as under an anonymous name that is also an option.

The importance of your e-mail address:
• KLDA use the main parent/guardians e-mail address to correspond with important information required for your child to attend the dance school.
• Invoices, newsletters, important information, class cancellations/interruptions etc… are given to you in this way.
• To enable KLDA to correspond with you, you must opt in & give the school permission to continue to keep sending these e-mails.
• KLDA may use subscription services via the Wix website to engage with you & send out information.

The importance of your mobile number:
• KLDA will use your mobile number if there is an emergency with your child during lesson.
• KLDA will also use your mobile number, if quick correspondence is needed i.e. lessons have been cancelled, road closures etc…

KLDA take the protection of your data very seriously.
You have the right to withdraw any information you do not wish to share with us at any time.
You have the right to request to see how we store your data at any time.
Please be aware that withdrawing the information required for your child to attend the dance school, can cause impacts on any future tasks, events, exams, correspondence that the school may need to share with you or enable your child to take part.