An Chomhdhail Student Registration & GDPR

Mar 05, 2025 12:18 PM


I consent to my child’s full name solely being shared on my childs dancing schools private social media page.

I consent to images of my child solely being shared on my childs dancing schools private social media page.

I consent to images of my child solely being shared on my childs dancing schools public social media page.

NB: It is not permitted for your child’s full name and image to appear together on an individual social
media post.

By signing this form, you are confirming that you will adhere to all Child Protection and GDPR legislation for An Chomhdháil.

The information you have shared on this form will be held by your childs dancing teacher for the purposes of class registration. This information may be shared with the Executive of An Chomhdhail if there is a child protection and welfare concern.
This form will be kept securely for in accordance with our GDPR Policy and Data Retention Policy. In certain circumstances, you may be asked to give your consent for your data to be used.