24/25 Studio Policy
Mar 14, 2025 08:12 AM
2024-2025 Parent/Student Policies and Waivers
At CW Dance Company, every dancer is an important member of our studio. We believe dancers should be taught in a safe, nurturing, and positive environment. Below you will find important information regarding our studio along with policies and procedures. Please take a moment to carefully review the information with your dancer.
• The annual registration fee of $30 for one dancer and $15 for each additional dancer per family is due at the time of registration through your Dance Studio Pro account.
• Payment is due on the first day of each month and covers that months tuition.
• A $25 late fee is automatically applied to accounts for tuition that is not paid by the 10th of the month. Arrangements can be made for special circumstances, please reach out to Corrie prior to the 10th to discuss. Additional late charges are applicable to other fees when not paid by the established due dates. This can include (but is not limited to): costumes, merchandise, competition fees, recital fee, etc.
• No envelopes or statements will be handed out or mailed, however, tuition email reminders will be sent monthly to your email on file. We accept Cash, Check and Credit Cards & Debit Cards (through DSP) for payment. Payment through your Dance Studio Pro account is preferred.
• Monthly tuition payments and registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable and we do not offer reimbursement or makeup classes for classes missed.
• Fees are based on the total number of weeks in the dance season but are divided into monthly payments for everyone’s convenience. Vacations, holidays, and planned studio closures have been taken into consideration when setting tuition pricing.
• Students will not be allowed to take class if their account is delinquent for more than 45 days.
Code of Conduct
Students and parents will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner while at CW Dance Company and at all performances and events in which CW Dance Company is represented. Proper respect for instructors is expected of all students, parents/guardians, and siblings. Attitudes that are disrespectful, uncooperative, or aggressive do not have a place at CW Dance Company. Students will not speak negatively about one another or the teachers.
Any parent/guardian or student who disrupts class or approaches a teacher, another student or parent with the intent to cause dissent or contravene the policies and procedures of CW Dance Company will be dismissed immediately. Any inappropriate behavior or slanderous remarks about CW Dance Company will be cause for immediate dismissal from the studio.
Bullying, harassment and intimidation of fellow dancers, staff or volunteers will not be tolerated. Any such behavior on the part of a student or parent/guardian may result in dismissal from the class and ultimately in dismissal from the studio.
Refunds will not be given for dismissal due to violations of the Code of Conduct.
• As with any program, steady attendance is a requirement for success. Failure to meet such requirements can lead to adjustment in level.
• Parents/guardians are responsible for communicating absences to the dance studio owner or dance instructor directly.
• Any student who misses 3 consecutive weeks or more may be required to forfeit their class space.
• Excessive absences could result in removal from recital or competition piece.
• Rehearsals are mandatory for recital participation.
• Make-up Classes: There are no refunds/reimbursements nor can missed classes be applied to subsequent months tuition.
Studio Rules for Dancers
At CW Dance Company, our primary goal is for your children to have fun while learning dance techniques and a strong work ethic. We expect all dancers to show respect to themselves, each other, and all instructors. You will see our instructors enforcing the following rules:
*Be prepared for class. Proper dance attire is required for all dance classes.
*Hair must be pulled up and secured back.
*Use the restroom prior to class.
*Do not have frequent class absences.
*No cell phones in the dance studio. (Please keep all personal items in your dance bag.)
*During class, dancers are expected to remain on their spots at all times and raise their hand if they have a question or need.
*Be respectful and kind to instructors, peers, and all CW Dance Company staff.
*Do not talk during class unless you are asking a question.
*No leaning, lounging, or hanging on the ballet barres.
*If injured, tell your instructor prior to class work slowly and carefully or sit down and observe.
*We believe good dance etiquette is of equal importance to good dance technique.
*No running, yelling or rough playing at the dance studio.
*Help keep the studio clean and tidy. Please throw away all trash.
*No gossip, obscene language or inappropriate conversations are tolerated during class or around the studio.
*No gum, food, or drink of any kind (except water) is allowed inside the dance room.
*CW Dance Company is not responsible for lost, stolen or misplaced belongings. Please label all of your child’s belongings and check the lost & found box for items you may be missing.
*For ages 13 and up: As an older dancer and role model, inappropriate conversations or negative discussions are not allowed in front of younger dancers. It is the dancer’s responsibility to manage their time so that dance, schoolwork, and other outside activities do not conflict.
Waiting Room
The waiting room can become very crowded and noisy at times. Please keep the noise level to an acceptable limit, as it becomes distracting to instructors in the dance room. Please keep walkways clear if your child is playing on the floor. If you have an issue concerning the studio that you wish to discuss, please direct your comments to the studio owner, rather than parents, so that we may answer all of your questions and concerns. PARENTS ARE TO SUPERVISE THEIR OWN CHILDREN. DO NOT LEAVE THEM UNATTENDED IN THE WAITING ROOM FOR ANY REASON. ALL STUDENTS, PARENTS, ETC., ARE REQUIRED TO CLEAN UP AFTER THEMSELVES AND THEIR CHILDREN.
Competition Teams
There are several annual competitions that are available for our dancers to compete in. All competition groups, solos, and duos are entered and adjudicated for marks. Our focus is not on the scoring or on the placing, but how well the group performed and if they tried their best. Any students participating in competitions are required to attend all extra rehearsals and lessons and full attendance in their regular classes is mandatory.
Information regarding competition dates, locations and any extra rehearsals will be communicated as soon as it is available.
Preparing a team for competition requires a commitment to extra classes and rehearsal time. It is important that each dancer be 100% dedicated and work to the best of their ability. PLEASE BLOCK OFF THE ENTIRE WEEKEND FOR COMPETITIONS. We do not receive our routine schedule until 1 week prior to the competition dates.
All competition dancers and parent/guardian must review and sign the CWDC Competition Team Policies and Procedures document.
Class Observations - We do not allow parents in the classrooms on a day-to-day basis because it is difficult for students to maintain their focus during class with observers in the room; however, it is important that you have a chance to observe the progress of your child. Parents will be invited in to watch the dancers progress periodically at the discretion of the teacher.
Studio Communications
Monthly newsletters will be emailed to the parent/guardian email on file with upcoming events, schedule changes, new information, and other important information. All students and parents must read it carefully. It will also be available on our website, www.cwdancecompanywv.com. It is the dancers and parents responsibility to acquire a copy of each newsletter, and to make sure they read and understand all of the information.
No Solicitation Policy - Out of respect for CW Dance Company and what we have created, we ask that no student/parents of students currently taking classes at CW Dance Company and recently thereafter solicit/recruit or attempt to solicit/recruit CW Dance Company’s students and/or parents for other instruction relating to dance. Solicitation/Recruitment is unprofessional and unethical and will not be tolerated.
Use of Social Media
Use of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, blogging and other social media outlets is commonplace. This policy is intended to provide parents and students guidelines for the use of social media regarding CW Dance Company. Please use discretion when posting on these sites.
*Never post anything that could compromise the self-esteem of students who attend CW Dance Company.
*Never post any negative comments about CW Dance Company, our teachers, our performances, and any events attended.
*If you post videos of class or rehearsals, don’t post any choreography in its entirety. If it is brought to our attention that there has been improper use of social media, you will be asked to remove the content. If this continues to be a problem, it may result in dismissal of the student.
Costumes are purchased and property of the dance family. Costume selections and fees will be added to the students DSP account by late September and payments can be made through your DSP account up until the due date.
Approximate due dates:
*Recital costume balances must be paid in full by December 1st.
*Competition costume fees are due in full by October 15th.
*Christmas costume fees are due in full by October 1st. (only in even number years)
*A $10 late fee is applied to each costume every week that they are past due. We order early to avoid costumes becoming unavailable or backordered.
*Please be sure to keep all costumes and costume accessories organized for shows and performances. We do our best to keep costume costs low.
*Costume payments are non-refundable if you withdraw from classes after November 25th.
Private Lessons
All private lessons MUST be paid in full to the instructor at the beginning of a session. Private lessons are available to all students to help improve technique or practice additional skills. Private lessons for solos/duets/trios for competition and/or recital are at the discretion of the studio owner and instructors.
Christmas Showcase
A Christmas Showcase is held in December of odd numbered years (2024, 2026, etc.). Each class will participate in at least one number for this recital. Costume information will be available in early September and fees will be due by October 1st.
Annual Spring Recital
The annual spring recital is the highlight of our year. The recital is typically scheduled for the end of May. Specific details for the spring recital will be shared as early in the year as possible. A (non-dress) rehearsal will be scheduled early on recital day and all dancers are required to attend. Rehearsal is closed to anyone other than the dancer and one parent/guardian.
A recital fee of $150 is charged to each dance family. It is applied to your DSP account in October and is due in full by March 1st, the following year. This fee covers the recital t-shirt(s) for the dancer(s), one ticket and a media package that includes a digital download of the Recital and helps offset the cost of renting the theater and the associated fees for sound, lighting and technical staff from the theater.
Additional tickets can be purchased for friends and family in May. Dancers do not need a ticket for recital.
Release of Liability
As the legal parent or guardian, I release and hold harmless CW Dance Company, its owners and operators from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, illness, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of CW Dance Company, its owners and operators or in route to or from any of said premises.
Medical Waiver
I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian for my child(ren). I hereby give my permission for any supervisor, coach or other team administrator associated with the CW Dance Company to seek and give appropriate medical attention for our child(ren) in the event of an accident, injury, illness. I will be responsible for any and all costs associated with any necessary medical attention and/or treatment.
I hereby waive, release and forever discharge CW Dance Company from all rights and claims for damages, injury, loss to person or property which may be sustained or occur during participation in CW Dance Company activities, whether or not damages or loss is due to negligence. I hereby acknowledge that my children is (are) physically fit and capable of participation in all activities.
Medical Insurance
CW Dance Company does not carry medical insurance for its students. It is required that all students be covered by their own insurance policies. If injury occurs, it is understood that the students own policy shall be the only source of reimbursement.
Photo Release Permission is granted that photos and videos can be used from class time and activity time at the CW Dance Company for publicity and other use, unless otherwise received in writing.
Hold Harmless CW Dance Company members shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CW Dance Company, its Trustees, officers, agents, and employees, from liability of any kind, including all claims and losses for injuries to persons or damage to property accruing or resulting to any other person, firm, or corporation furnishing or supplying work, services, materials, or supplies in connection with the performance of service, and from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm, or corporation that may be injured or damaged by member in the performance of service. All information given to you in confidence of privacy or secrecy of the company of individuals shall stay confidential within CW Dance Company.
Questions - For studio questions, please contact Corrie Whittington or email cwdc.office@gmail.com.