Guidelines , Privacy, and COVID Policy

Mar 13, 2025 11:56 AM

Pear Tree Performing Arts

Parent Guidelines
The signature below indicates that the legal parent/guardian or responsible party (to the best knowledge of Pear Tree Performing Arts) and participants agree to the following rules and guidelines.

I will read and agree to the guidelines provided by Pear Tree Performing Arts and accept responsibility for locating and becoming familiar with emergency/evacuation procedures.

I will disclose all medical information for the participant and any other information that may impact the participant's safety and/or the safety of others.

I acknowledge possession and thorough understanding of the Guidelines and Expectations and complete compliance with all the Guidelines and Expectations.

I will pay tuition on time or make appropriate arrangements promptly.

I will respect and encourage my child(ren) to respect all rules and guidelines set forth by Pear Tree Performing Arts and commit to dropping off/picking up my child at the appointed times.

I will ensure my child attends all classes and events they are committed to, enrolled in, or expected to attend.

I give Pear Tree Performing Arts permission to use my or my child(ren)’s photo and/or video recordings for print materials, promotional materials, informational purposes, social media sites, and other uses deemed appropriate by Pear Tree Performing Arts. (Please see staff if restrictions apply)

I accept responsibility for updating (promptly and in writing) contact and medical information or information regarding who may or may not pick up or transport your child. Parents are responsible for bringing and administering all medications including, but not limited to, inhalers and epi ens and monitoring and disclosing any allergies, dietary restrictions, and/or physical limitations and/or restrictions.

I accept responsibility to read all Pear Tree Performing Arts communication - physical handouts and electronic communication, including but not limited to emails, social media posts/messages, and text messages.

I release and hold harmless Pear Tree Performing Arts and any contractor, instructor, owners, volunteers, employees, and operators from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action, whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury. Including death that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon any premises under the control, for the use of, and/or under the supervision of Pear Tree Performing Arts, its owners, instructors, contractors, volunteers, employees, and/or operators or in route to or from any of said premises. Only students registered in class will be supervised by Pear Tree staff or volunteers. Recognize the risks associated with physical and interactive activities and realize the need for appropriate attire and physical preparedness.

Your personal information is not shared or sold. Please read DanceStudio Pro's privacy policy -

In-Studio Policies
• Masks are available for students, parents, instructors, and volunteers. Please wear a mask if you are sick or recovering from illness. Please do not enter the building if you feel unwell or bring sick guests into the building. Please do not bring dancers to class who have not fully recovered from illness or exhibiting any symptoms, including but not limited to runny nose, sneezing, coughing, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, diarrhea, headache, fever, uncovered sores/ringworm/ or open wounds, body aches, or general pain.
• All students will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer at the start of class. Students, instructors, volunteers, and guests may be asked to wear a mask at any time.
• Parents and caretakers will drop off/ pick up students using the front/main door unless noted otherwise.
• No guests or siblings may participate in class without prior arrangements. Parents are asked to wait outside of class unless otherwise discussed.
• Service animals are welcome. Please talk to staff before bringing any pets into the building. Entry for pets is selective.
• Students must always show respect for themselves, classmates, instructors, staff, and volunteers. Parents will be contacted if students are not respectful.
• Students should arrive for class ready to learn. We understand parents and students have busy schedules. If possible, please come dressed for class. There is a ten-minute grace period to change.
• Tuition is non-refundable.
• No sandals, jeans, toys, stuffed animals or blankets, electronics, or valuables, as we are not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken items.
• No cell phone usage during class unless the instructor gives permission.
• NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINKS IN THE STUDIO. No gum. Students may bring a water bottle to class.
• Students, parents/guardians, and guests are expected to treat all staff, students, families, facilities, and property respectfully. Disrespectful behavior/language is not allowed, and you or your dancer may be asked to leave, banned from the premises, or required to pay to replace damaged property.

COVID-19 Liability Waiver
I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and other illnesses spread person-to-person.

Students, teachers, volunteers, or anyone who enters the building may be asked to wear a mask at any time.

I further acknowledge that Pear Tree Performing Arts has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and other illnesses spread person-to-person.

I further acknowledge that Pear Tree Performing Arts cannot guarantee that I or my student, guests, or visitors will not become infected with the Coronavirus/COVID other illnesses spread person to person.

I voluntarily seek services provided by Pear Tree Performing Arts. I acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures.
I hereby release and agree to hold Pear Tree Performing Arts harmless from and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that any act may cause, or failure to act of the studio, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from Pear Tree Performing Arts. I understand that this release discharges Pear Tree Performing Arts from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the studio with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from Pear Tree Performing Arts. This liability waiver and release extends to all owners, partners, board members, contractors, outreach facilities, performance venues, and employees.