Covid19 Waiver attend in studio classes
Mar 14, 2025 08:11 AM
Hamilton Academy of the Arts
This form should be initialed and signed by the student’s Parent or Legal Guardian. Please read and initial each statement below.
1. I understand that during this COVID-19 Public Health Emergency I as a parent/guardian will NOT be permitted to enter the facility beyond the designated drop-off and pick-up area. I understand that this procedure change is for the safety of all persons present in the facility and to limit to the extent possible everyone’s risk of exposure.
2. 2. I understand that IF there is an emergency requiring me to enter the facility beyond the designated drop-off and pick-up area, I MUST sanitize my hands before entering and wear a mask. While in the facility I must practice social distancing and remain 6ft from all other people, except for my own child.
3. I understand that to enter the studio premises my child must be free from COVID-19 symptoms. If, during the day, any of the following symptoms appear my child will be separated from the rest of the people in the studio. I will be contacted, and my child MUST be picked up from the studio within 15 minutes.
Symptoms include:
â— Fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
â— Dry cough
â— Shortness of Breath
â— Chills
â— Loss of taste or smell
â— Sore Throat
â— Muscle aches
While many of these symptoms might be non-COVID-19 symptoms we are proceeding with by assuming they are Covid-19 during this Public Health Emergency. These symptoms typically appear 2-7 days after being infected so please take them seriously. You will need to be symptom free for 72 hours before returning to the facility.
4. I understand that my child must wear a mask at all times while in the studio and on studio premises.
5. I understand that students will be required to bring their own hand sanitizer and use it according to CDC recommended hand washing procedures every time they touch a surface in the studio.
6. Each student MUST remove their shoes at the entrance of the facility. Those shoes will be put into their personal gear bag.
7. I understand that outside of dance class, all students will comply with any and all state, parish or local stay-at-home orders, and all contact with persons living outside our household will follow all state, county or local stay-at-home orders. Students will not go out to stores unless it is absolutely necessary and then only to shop for essential items like food, medicines and toiletries and will follow any recommendations from the CDC that limits student’s risk for exposure including wearing a mask in all public areas and remaining 6ft from all other people.
8. I will immediately notify Hamilton Academy of the Arts management if I become aware of any person with whom my child or I have had contact exhibits any of the symptoms listed in Number 3 above, is advised to self-isolate, quarantine, or has tested positive, or is presumed positive for COVID-19. Further, I will immediately notify Hamilton Academy of the Arts management if anyone from my place of employment is presumed positive or tests positive for COVID-19 whether I have had direct contact with that person.
9. I understand that Students entering our studio will be in contact with children, families and employees who are also at risk of community exposure. I understand that no list of restrictions, guidelines or practices will remove 100% of the risk of exposure to COVID-19 as the virus can be transmitted by persons who are asymptomatic and before some people show signs of infection. I understand that I play a crucial role in keeping everyone in the facility safe and reducing the risk of exposure by following the practices outlined herein.
10. Should there be a spike in Covid-19 cases, and we are forced into a SIP situation again, all classes will continue virtually. Tuition will remain the same for any amount of time spent doing virtual classes.
I certify that I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the provisions listed herein. I acknowledge that failure to act in accordance with the provisions listed herein, or with any other policy or procedure outlined by Hamilton Academy of the Arts will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of my registration at Hamilton Academy of the Arts. I acknowledge that my activity may be terminated if it is determined that my actions, or lack of action unnecessarily exposes another dancer, their family member, or any HAA employee to COVID-19.