Public Liability Form

Mar 13, 2025 03:22 PM

Registration: All participants must be registered and financially able to take part in any of our programs. JB Dance reserves the right to ask students to leave the program if they are not financial.

Medical Consent: Any dance class can involve the risk of personal injury. I understand that while JB Dance takes all reasonable care in the conduct of its classes, it accepts no responsibility for injury or loss caused during classes or whilst students are at or near the dance studio. Parents/Guardians are responsible for ensuring that their child (the student) is physically and medically fit for the class.

Personal Risk & Liability: I/we realise that participation in dance classes and activities could result in some possible personal injury. Despite precautions being taken by the studio, accidents and injuries may occur. By signing this release form, I/we (the dancer and parent/guardian) assume all risks related to the use of any and all spaces used by JB Dance Studio.

I/We understand that any dance class can involve the risk of personal injury and that while JB Dance takes all reasonable care in the conduct of its classes, it accepts no responsibility for injury or loss caused during classes or whilst students are at or near the dance studio. Parents/Guardians are responsible for ensuring that their child (the student) is physically and medically fit for the class.

Furthermore, I/we agree to obey the class and facility rules and take full responsibility for my/our behavior in addition to any damage I/we may cause to the facilities utilized by JB Dance.

I understand that JB Dance is licensed, accredited and insured. In the event that I/we should observe any unsafe conduct or conditions before, during or after my/our classes, I/we agree to report the unsafe conduct or conditions to a staff member at JB Dance as soon as possible.

Emergency Procedures: In the event of a medical emergency, if parents/guardians are not able to be contacted, I understand the teacher reserves the right to call for an ambulance if deemed necessary.

Photography, Video/DVD, Promotion & Website Release: I understand when enrolling at JB Dance that upon occasion JB Dance may organize an individual or group to make official recordings of our events, such as but not limited to our Mid-Year and End of Year Concerts, Rehearsal Day, Team Events and in regular classes. I understand that Video/DVD recordings are available to parents and may be displayed on our website and used on social media.

Revisions: JB Dance reserves the right to revise, amend or modify the JB Dance Terms and Conditions at any time.