Registration form 2023-2024 with waiver attached
Mar 14, 2025 08:11 AM
Payments may be made by cash, e-transfer or post-dated checks (dated either the 1st or the 7th of each month) Any payments not received by the 7th will be charged a $10 late fee. We now accept credit card payments through our Dance Studio Pro portal. We also accept E-Transfers in up to 3 instalments. Send transfers to the address (password - dance) if required.
If your child decides to withdrawal from the program you must let us know before the 1st of the next month in order to receive a refund from the next months on. There are no refunds on registration fees or costume deposits. Make-up classes are available pending room and ample notice. If we are forced to close due to dangerous weather, natural disasters ex.COVID - Refunds will not be given as these circumstances are out of our control. Zoom online classes will be offered for long time closures.
I, understand that dance classes may include, without limitation, dancing with props, stretching, Ballet barre work, across the floor combinations, dance tricks and dance routines in the centre, Acro and other related activities. I, further understand that like any sport, all of the activities of the Studio’s classes involve some degree of risk of strain or bodily injury. Let’s Dance is not responsible for personal property, or injury that may occur on Let’s Dance premises, during class or while practicing. Dancers must wear the proper dance attire for each class with proper shoes. Dancers are not permitted to do any dance or acro tricks while unsupervised in the studio. It is the responsibility of the dancer/parents to ensure that these rules are understood and followed.
*If your child shows any signs of illness, do not bring them to class, she will be sent home due to public health regulations for COVID. All persons entering the studio are asked to please wear a mask and hand sanitize before entering and leaving the studio.
I have read the Agreement and Policies section and I adhere to all the content stated therein including:*Studio Policies *Tuition & Payment Information *Dress Code
Let’s Dance has a no bullying policy and has the right to refuse service if studio rules and policies are not followed. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the statements above and agree to participate accordingly. ______(initial)
Date: __________________________________ Signature: ______________________________Witness________