Attendance,Behaviour, Anti -Bullying and Social Media

Mar 14, 2025 08:11 AM

Your child’s attendance in class is very important to their peers and our teaching staff. As a member of the team, it is a commitment for you to ensure your child attends their classes on time each week and attends all lessons planned for them. Not only do absences impact the recital routines we create, it also impacts the social and confidence-building principals we work hard to foster in each age group.
If you know ahead of time that your child will be absent due to vacations, commitments, or school trips, please let us know so the class impact is minimal. If your child is too unwell to attend class, we ask that you inform us as soon as you can so they can let the teachers know.
DanceFX promotes kindness, leadership, discipline and teamwork. To create an excellent dance environment, students will adhere to the standards set forth in the policies.
We expect our students to behave properly while in class. They must be respectful of their teacher and peers at all times. Should a student become disruptive in class, the Teacher/Director has the right to remove him/her from class. The student will be allowed back into class at the Teacher/Director’s discretion. We do not tolerate any form of disrespect from any student or parent at DanceFX. We reserve the right to have individuals removed for being disrespectful, rude, threatening or creating conflict. There will be no refunds for such actions.
This policy ensures that ALL students have an equal chance to participate in a highly motivated and positive environment. The opportunity is extended to every member of the class as it begins each day and is only interrupted when the disruptive student themselves chooses not to take advantage of the chance to participate appropriately.
We will make every effort to work with the parents of children having difficulties in dance class. We are here to serve and protect all of our dancers; however, children displaying chronic disruptive behaviour which has been determined to be upsetting to the physical or emotional well-being of other children, or the teacher, may require the following actions:
The studio may immediately suspend a child at any time he/she exhibits a behaviour, which is harmful to him/herself or others. A parent may be notified at any time the child exhibits uncontrollable behaviour that cannot be modified by the instructor. That parent may be asked to take the child home immediately.

We provide a safe and supportive community that fosters a lifelong love for dance and creative expression. In order to guarantee that all of our dancers are able to best pursue their passion, we implemented a comprehensive anti-bullying policy applicable to our students, dance families, staff, and employees. We will not tolerate bullying in any form; physical, emotional, social or otherwise. Since our goal is to empower people and embrace individuality, one documented bullying event will have repercussions, which may include immediate termination of enrollment for egregious violations.
We define bullying as any behaviour; physical, emotional, verbal, written (either electronically or in person), that detrimentally targets another dancer. This counts as bullying when it physically or emotionally harms a dancer, targets a dancer for any actual or perceived characteristic, or creates a hostile environment in the dance studio.
Under reporting of bullying is the biggest hindrance to stopping further harassment. Please let the studio director know of any bullying behaviours as soon as possible.
We recognize that bullying does not just occur between students. Parents or guardians, who harass another student, parent, or DanceFX staff member, will have repercussions, which may include suspension or termination of the student. Please report all incidents of bullying you witness to the Director immediately. There will be no refunds for such actions.
Respect and compassion are two of our core values. All dancers have a right to learn and develop their art in a positive, respectful environment. We realize that every situation reported may require a unique follow-up.
Please remember that your anonymity on Social Media is never guaranteed and to exercise particular caution when posts, images, or videos identify children in your care.
Any comments or posts perceived to be obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful towards DanceFX staff, students or families may subject the poster to disciplinary or legal action.
Should you wish to engage on Social Media while identifying as a studio dancer, parent volunteer, or employee, you may only do so with integrity, respect, and adhere to privacy and confidentiality policy. Any content revealing or referring to sensitive studio information is not allowed to be shared online.
Intellectual property laws (for example, costume design and choreography), must be observed by all studio patrons when posting online. This includes but not limited to manuals, forms, handbooks, and syllabus, etc.
While affiliated with our studio, (for example, images of your child inside DanceFX or wearing DanceFX clothing) we will not tolerate any posts that are racially, sexually, physically or religiously offensive.
All matters pertaining directly to the studio – whether it be fees, scheduling, placements or performance opportunities – may not be communicated via Social Media. We have an open door policy and encourage all communication, complaints and feedback to be communicated to the owner directly.
Identifying information of any featured minors – including full names and ages – must be removed when posting on Social Media.