Jamie's Tumble House Policy

Mar 12, 2025 06:08 AM

Class Attire:
Leotards, shorts and tight fitting shirts, hair pulled back out of face

Pick up and Arrival:
Please be prompt. Drop off/pick up. PLEASE DO NOT STAY UNLESS DISCUSSED WITH JAMIE PRIOR!!! We will not allow children to leave the gym unless they see their parents throw the window. The idea is to keep the kids safe.

Missed Classes:
Make-up classes are available for missed classes. You will be allowed only one make-up class a month. I do not pro-rate. Payment will not be refunded or transferred to the next month so make sure to schedule any make-up classes. No Make-up Classes for holidays except for Monday classes are allowed 2-holiday make-ups per season.

Class Schedule:
We will follow the Mesa Public School schedule. If there is NO school, there is NO class unless otherwise instructed.

Parent Observation:
We have found it is very distracting to have parents stay during class, especially for the little ones. You are welcome to drop off and run errands, and watch from your car or through the window.