Studio Rules And Procedures

Mar 14, 2025 12:53 AM

Hintze Dance Center, Inc.
HDC - Telge: 281-246-1250
HDC - Fairfield: 281-213-4249

Studio Rules & Procedures
Registering for Classes
If you are new to dance or to Hintze Dance Center, you may participate in ONE class at no charge. Check with the office for class availability.
If you know the skill level you are looking for, review the current class schedule, complete a Registration & Release form, and submit payment plus the annual registration fee (refer to the Class Tuition sheet for specific payment details).

Tuition Payments
Annual tuition is based on the total hours danced per week, and the dance instruction “year” that runs from August through June Recital, including the Recital Picture Week. Tuition can be paid in full for the year, bi-yearly or 11 equal installments (August through June). Installments are due in the first of each month and are late after the 3rd. A $15.00 late fee will be charged after the 3rd of the month. Holidays or a student’s absence from class does not waive the late fee. We accept cash, checks, and Credit/Debit Cards. Returned check fee is $30.00.

Auto Debit You can also sign up for automatic debit. There will be a $2.00 monthly transaction fee. Please see the office for details.
11 installments
2 installments at time of registration (first and last month)
9 installments – September thru May

Conduct in the Studio
The following code of conduct applies to all visitors in the studio, whether student, parent, relative, sibling, or friend:
NO food, drinks, candy, or gum is allowed in the studio. Only bottled water is allowed.
Small children should not be left unattended. Please do not allow children to play with trophies, photographs on the walls, or pick the paint on the walls. There will be a $20 fee for peeled paint.
Only authorized personnel are allowed in the office.
No running and disruptive horseplay in the studio lobby.
Any student who continually disrupts a class may be dismissed from that class. If the behavior does not improve, the student may be permanently withdrawn from the class (with no refund).

Drop-off & Pick-up
Students should arrive 5-10 minutes early to prepare for class to begin.
We encourage you to stay and watch your child in class, but if you must leave, please return promptly to pick them up when class ends. Hintze Dance Center is not responsible for students left unattended.

Missed & Make-up Classes
Missed classes may be made up by attending a class of similar level. Check with the office for class availability. All make-up classes must be completed within 30 days of the missed class. Missed classes due to extreme weather events such as floods, hurricanes, ice storms, etc. are considered “acts of God.” Classes cannot be made up in case of studio closure due to pandemics or mandates from state and local governments. In both situations there will not be any refunds of tuition or other fees.

Illness or Injury
Please do not bring ill or injured students to class as this can cause disruptions in the classroom. If a child is ill, we will remove them from class and call a parent or guardian to pick them up.

You may withdraw from any class by giving 30 days written notice. Monthly installments will be adjusted to reflect the change in class time. The lowered installment payment will take effect on the 1st of the next calendar month.
For a complete list of scheduled closings, refer to the studio calendar.

Dress Code
Ballet & Combo (Ballet/Tap) Classes
Apparel: Black leotard with pink tights
Dance shoes: Pink ballet shoes/black tap shoes
Hair: Must be in a bun

Jazz, Modern, & Tap Classes
Apparel: Black leotard with skin tone specific tights or jazz pants, jazz capris or shorts
Dance shoes: Black jazz shoes or tap shoes
Hair: Must be pulled back, away from the face

Hip-Hop Classes
Apparel: Shorts or leggings, t-shirt or tank top
Dance shoes: Tennis Shoes
Hair: Must be pulled back, away from the face

Beginning in January, each class will learn a routine to perform in a full-costume recital to be held mid-June. Combo classes will learn two routines.
Although participation in the recital is optional, we encourage our students to take advantage of this opportunity to showcase what they have learned in class, and to perform for their friends and relatives.

Costumes: Costumes will be carefully selected and ordered by Ms. Ginny. Please keep in mind that these costumes will NOT be custom-made to fit your child, so it is very important that you measure your child accurately and order the appropriate size. Because of the long lead-time, costume sizes cannot be changed once the initial order has been placed.

Costume fees are PER DANCE plus Tax:
Child small, medium $70.00
Child large $80.00
Adult small, medium, large $90.00
Adult X large min $95.00
(costume companies may charge more for X large)
ALL COSTUME FEES ARE DUE BY NOVEMBER 9, 2023. Costume fees are non-refundable once costumes are ordered.

Recital Fees: A recital fee is required for each student to cover costs for the event, such as auditorium rental, scenery, sound equipment, stage and lighting crews, security, maintenance crews and programs.
Recital fees are per dancer:
$95.00 for the first dancer
$75.00 for second dancer in the family
$10.00 each additional dancer in the family

ALL RECITAL FEES ARE DUE BY February 8, 2024. Recital fees are non-refundable.
Private Lessons & Choreography
Private dance lessons and custom choreography are available by request through Hintze Dance Center. You must be a registered student enrolled in a regularly scheduled class to take advantage of this service. If you are interested, please inquire at the front desk.

Competitive Dance
If you are interested in becoming part of Hintze Dance Company, inquire about auditions at the front desk. Auditions are in the spring every year.

Updated 7/15/2024