Release Statement
Mar 14, 2025 12:53 AM
Parent, Guardian, or Adult Student In consideration of the benefits derived from Hintze Dance Center (HDC), I do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless, release, and discharge HDC and its staff from any and all claims of personal injuries or property loss or damages sustained by me/my child while participating in activities with HDC and its staff. I authorize emergency first aid care for myself/my child in the event that 1/(s)he becomes ill or injured while attending HDC activities. I further authorize HDC and its staff to retain the services of an MD or other qualified medical personnel to treat me/my child in the event of a medical emergency. I agree to inform HDC in writing of any physical limitations and/or medical conditions that l/my child has, whether or not those conditions restrict my/my child's full participation. I/My child may decline to participate in any HDC activity with prior written notice of at least 30 days to HDC I give exclusive permission for HDC to use photographs and/or video images of me/my child for advertising and marketing purposes. I have received a Registration Packet and agree to read and abide by all policies stated within, including HDC Studio Rules & Procedures, as well as all terms and conditions contained within this release statement.