Policy and Guidelines Acceptance:

Feb 22, 2025 02:48 PM

Policy and Guidelines Acceptance
I have read Northeastern Dance Academy. I understand and agree to everything included, but not limited to, the following:
1. Tuition invoices will be paid by the 15th of each month. If they are not paid by the end of day on the 15th, a $15 late fee will be assessed. The $15 fee will be added for each month the tuition is not paid.
2. All other invoices will be paid by due date (costumes, recital fee) or a $15 late fee will be assessed.
3. I will ensure my child is dressed in accordance with studio dress code.
All lessons are paid for monthly, due on or before the 15th of every month.
The monthly rate is always the same, regardless of the number of weeks in the month.
There will be a $35.00 fee for all retuned checks.
Individuals will be responsible for any administration fees and attorney fees if your bill Is deemed delinquent.
Registration Fee:
An annual registration fee of $40.00 (for Individuals) $55.00 (for a family) will be charged when student/s enroll in a dance season.
Attendance is necessary in order for your child to continue to improve.
Be sure that your child is on time for classes and is picked up from class within an appropriate amount of time.
Makeup Lessons:
In the event that your child needs to do a makeup class they are welcome to attend a class at their same age/class level.
Snow Days:
We follow the RE-1 School District snow day attendance/cancellation policy. If there is no school or no evening activities the studio will also be closed. Please feel free to attend a make up class at your convenience.