Code of Conduct & Media Release Policy
Mar 14, 2025 03:29 AM
Dance classes are educational and fun, however, an important aspect of class work is developing an attitude of discipline and respect for teachers, Parents/Guardians and fellow students. We want to provide an environment that is a pleasure for everyone concerned so it is important that all students, parents and extended family members understand and comply with our policies and procedures.
Code of Conduct - Students
- Be respectful and courteous towards teachers, fellow students and Parents/Guardians at all times
- Show respect and care for RRSD property and studio premises
- Attend all classes punctually and, as a courtesy, excuse yourself if arriving late for class
- Honour prior commitments made to the studio by attending classes, rehearsals and performances above other social events
- Wear the studio uniform with pride and ensure you are always well groomed for class, with hair tied back neatly off the face or in a bun for ballet
- Remove all jewellery including watches before each class (stud earrings are acceptable)
- Pay attention and refrain from any unnecessary talking during class
- Turn your mobile or other electronic devices to silent or switched off during class
- Be a good role model to younger students by moderating your language and conversation around fellow students and teachers
- Always act in good faith when performing at competitions and other events and treat all other students, peers, competitors, teachers and Parents/Guardians with respect and kindness
- Moderate your language, conversation and behaviour when representing RRSD at Eisteddfods and other public performances or charity/fundraising events
- No smoking, alcohol or drugs are permitted at or outside of studio premises or other performance venues
- Inappropriate language will not be tolerated at any time.
Code of Conduct - Parents/Guardians
- Demonstrate respect for teachers, students, staff and other parents at all times
- Remember that your child participates in dancing for their enjoyment, as well as yours
- Encourage and support your child to show commitment and positivity whilst working to the best of their own ability
- Remember that your child will best learn by example so applaud good efforts by all participants
- RRSD premises are not classed as day care centres and students outside of the studio must be supervised by parental guidance. Drop off and collect students at the time of their lesson. RRSD Staff are not responsible for the supervision of your child outside of their timetabled class time.
- Take responsibility to read email communications to keep up to date with current activities and important information
- Notify the office of any class absences in advance, wherever possible
- Do not take photographs or videos of your child during class or at the studio without prior permission from the teacher
- Raise any complaints or concerns with the Principal or a teacher by making an appointment
- Avoid interrupting teachers before, during or after classes with any questions that could be discussed during office hours
- Never ridicule or yell at your child, or any other student or other members including RRSD staff.
- Never send abusive or inappropriate emails or text messages to any other student parent or RRSD Staff.
- Refrain from making any disparaging comments related to RRSD, RRSD Staff, another parent or student
- Raise any issue or concern related to an Examiner’s or Adjudicator’s judgment through the appropriate channels and not in any public forum
- No smoking, alcohol or drugs are permitted at or outside of studio premises or other performance venues
Disciplinary Actions
- Inappropriate, disrespectful or aggressive behaviour by students, parents or guardians will not be tolerated and may result in immediate suspension or cancellation of enrolment with no refund of fees paid in advance or further discussion
- A breach of the Code of Conduct will result in a written warning and any further breaches may result in immediate expulsion with no refund of fees paid or further discussion
Agreement for Participation (by parent/guardian for students under 18 years)
- I agree to be responsible for reading studio correspondence (emails and newsletters) and respecting deadlines, where applicable.
- I acknowledge that students enrolled at RRSD are not permitted to attend regular classes at any other local dance school or perform at any public function with the prior express consent of the Principal of RRSD.
- I understand that dance is a strenuous activity and classes may include, without limitation, dancing with props, stretching, barre work, across-the-floor combinations, dance routines in the centre, and other related activities from which bodily injuries could arise. RRSD and its teachers and staff are not liable for any personal injuries or loss of or damage to personal property.
- I understand that I/my student may decline to participant in any activity.
- I acknowledge that I am responsible for notifying RRSD of any physical limitations, illness or injuries of any student and if I have any doubts relating to my student’s physical abilities, I will seek medical advice before allowing them to participate.
- I understand that dance is a physical activity and the teacher and/or assistant teacher may have to assist students in their understanding of an action, posture or a position by physical contact, for example holding hands in a circle, lifting or correcting posture. I hereby consent to the teaching staff of RRSD having physical contact with my student in this regard.
- I consent to RRSD teaching staff and student teachers taking my child to the toilet during class, if necessary.
- In the event that my child is injured or becomes ill during class, I consent to RRSD teaching staff providing first aid or seeking urgent medical attention if required until such time as I am able to be contacted and attend the studio or arrange another responsible adult to attend the studio to assist my child.
Media Release Consent (by parent/guardian for students under 18 years)
- I authorise RRSD and/or its teachers and staff to take and use any photographs, video or sound recordings of either myself or my student.
- I authorise any other reproductions or adaptations of the material, either in full or part, in conjunction with any wording or drawings in any newsletter, poster and program, including online and social networking sites.
- I understand that this material will be used for the purposes of advertising, promotion, publicity, media, publication, display or website in whole or in part.
- I understand that neither I nor my student has any interest in the copyright to the material and nor shall we receive any payment for these images, video or sound recordings.
- I understand that copies of these images, video or sound recordings may be provided upon request.
Social Media Policy
The purpose of this Policy is to establish and communicate all principles and processes for the use of Social Media for teaching, learning and communication purposes.
Roby Rogers School of Dancing acknowledges the importance of social media in the lives of its students, staff and parents/guardians. Social media also plays a role in the business of Roby Rogers School of Dancing to notify and educate the community of upcoming and recent events. Social media can be especially useful in teaching and learning to enable students to communicate and collaborate with each other in new ways and to create, share and use information to develop new understanding and relevant knowledge.
In supporting the responsible use of social media, Roby Rogers School of Dancing must address all rules and regulations and fulfil all legal obligations and duties of care by ensuring that all students, staff and parents/guardians are aware of the policies of using social media in connection with Roby Rogers School of Dancing.
This Policy applies to all students, staff and parents/guardians of students enrolled at Roby Rogers School of Dancing.
Social media includes (and is not limited to) social networking sites, micro-blogging sites, video and photo sharing websites, online communities and electronic communications - such as websites, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Flickr etc
3.1. The following guidelines must be adhered to by all students, staff and parents/guardians when using social media for communication, marketing, teaching and learning purposes in connection with Roby Rogers School of Dancing:
3.1.1. Behave appropriately – no negative, offensive, slanderous or hate comments, nudity or inappropriate photos or language will be tolerated
3.1.2. Respect the privacy of other individuals
3.1.3. Users must familiarise themselves with and respect the terms and conditions of the relevant social media provider (ie Facebook, Instagram etc)
3.1.4. Respect the copyright of Roby Rogers School of Dancing – including all music, choreography, videos, photos, logos etc that are the property of Roby Rogers School of Dancing
3.1.5. Comply with all rules and regulations of Roby Rogers School of Dancing, including the Code of Conduct for Students and Parents/Guardians and Media Release terms and conditions
3.2. The posting of any material by students, staff or parents/ guardians on any website or social media platform hosted by Roby Rogers School of Dancing (eg Roby Rogers School of Dancing website, Twitter account or Facebook page) shall constitute representation of Roby Rogers School of Dancing. Roby Rogers School of Dancing reserves the right to remove any comment, photograph or other material it considers inappropriate.
3.3. Any video or photography taken during open classes belongs exclusively to Roby Rogers School of Dancing and is not permitted to be uploaded or posted to the internet or any website or social media sites without the prior express written consent of the Principal of Roby Rogers School of Dancing as well as a signed media release consent from other students and/or parents/guardians.
3.4. Any video recording or photography featuring any student of Roby Rogers School of Dancing performing dance routines at any concert, Eisteddfod or other public performance is not permitted to be released on social media or uploaded on the internet without the prior express written consent of the Principal of Roby Rogers School of Dancing and the parents/guardians of the students appearing in the material.
3.5. A user must not use any website or social media site conducted by Roby Rogers School of Dancing for or on behalf of any party for the purpose of profitable or commercial activities, without the prior express written consent of the Principal of Roby Rogers School of Dancing.
3.6. Any form of harassment, bullying or discrimination on any social media towards any student, staff member or parent/guardian will not be tolerated as not only is it in breach of the Roby Rogers School of Dancing Code of Conduct but may also expose you to personal liability to an offended person for defamation or other civil action.
3.7. If you are concerned about the behaviour of a student, teacher or parent/guardian, you are not permitted to express that concern by social media. All concerns must be directed to the Principal, Roby Rogers School of Dancing.
3.8. Breach of this policy is regarded as a serious issue and may result in suspension, expulsion or legal action being taken.
Photography & Video Policy
- Prior permission from the teacher must be obtained prior to photographing or videoing any class
- Any recording or photography is for personal use only and not for commercial sale
- Any recording or photography is not be uploaded to the internet, social networking sites or video/photo sharing sites without the express written consent of the Principal
Intellectual Property Policy
- All choreography works are the intellectual property of Roby Rogers School of Dancing and it is an infringement of copyright to reproduce, communicate, publish or perform all or a substantial part of a piece of choreography, without the express written permission of RRSD.
- Choreography works include solo/duo/trio/group routines, substantial movement sequences, stage design, costume design, light design and all ideas of story and concept
- Any breaches of this policy will be taken very seriously and may result in legal action being taken
Occupational Health & Safety Policy
Aim: Roby Rogers School of Dancing in conjunction with Occupational Health and Safety of Dance Teaching Services Australia focuses on providing a safe dance environment, providing effective lesson planning and teaching methods. We will ensure all programs and services are provided safely and effectively, with our main concern being the safety of the students and parents of Roby Rogers School of Dancing.
Safety in the Dance Environment: Roby Rogers School of Dancing venues are hired halls in Walkerston run by Church and Community organisations. Roby Rogers School of Dancing complies with guidelines and rules of the relevant Church and Community organisations to uphold the framework of OH&S. Roby Rogers School of Dancing relies on these organisations to ensure that the venues provided are OH&S compliant.
Roby Rogers School of Dancing ensures that the venues being hired are safe venues for students and comply with OH&S. The venues must include:
- -Appropriate size class rooms, relative to classroom sizes
- -Toilet facilities
- -Appropriate lighting in the venue
- -Appropriate sound and music system
- -Appropriate floor surface
- -Suitable foyer/waiting area
Roby Rogers School of Dancing asks that students being collected after their lessons wait inside the student waiting area.
Effective and Safe Teaching: Roby Rogers School of Dancing ensures that all staff members are educated with effective and safe teaching methods that benefit the student no matter what age or level of tuition. Roby Rogers School of Dancing embrace the following effective and safe teaching methods to ensure all levels of students are met:
- • Encourage students to wear appropriate dance attire to prevent them from unnecessary injury Provide tuition of correct knowledge to ensure students are aware of what to do and what not to do.
- • Advise students of any precautions that are in place when performing moves and how to avoid injury to themselves or others.
- • Roby Rogers School of Dancing instructs students to comply with all rules in the classroom, directed by the teacher, to ensure no unnecessary injury occurs.
- • Analysis of students’ movements to correct any improper alignment or incorrect execution of movement.
- • Providing different levels of movement for varying levels of ability to maximise the safety of students.
- • Ensure that the number of students per class is appropriate for both teachers and students.
- • Providing structured lessons.
- • Movement performed equally on both sides of the body to enhance future safety.
- • Teachers encourage students, parents/guardians to raise any injury that has occurred either prior to or during the class.
- • Emphasise that it is the student’s responsibility not to push their body beyond its safe limits. Students are warned about the danger of this.
- Injury Prevention: Roby Rogers School of Dancing concentrates on prevention of injury in dance by:
- • It is the responsibility of the students (Graded to Advanced levels) to ensure they are warm-up prior to the commencement of their lesson.
- • Clearly informing students of common injuries and accidents related to specific movements.
- • Incorporating stretching and strengthening exercises in classes and offering a specific class for stretching and strengthening (Limber & Technique).
- • Ensuring that students are appropriately dressed for the activities included in the lesson.
- The teacher of the lesson must provide advice as to what the student should do if they are injured during or prior to a lesson. This should assist with the recovery and rehabilitation of the injury. The teacher must:
- • Advise the student on seeking expert medical or other? advice
- • Provide safe stretching methods for the student (assuming that the injury is not critical)
- • Encourage the student to share with the teacher any professional medical or other advice given to the student regarding the injury.
Safety Precautions: Roby Rogers School of Dancing provides a First Aid Kit for all students’ use (with consent from their Parent/ Guardian).
Consent: Dance is a physical activity and the teacher of the class or teaching assistant may have to assist the students in their understanding in an action, posture or a position by physical contact e.g. holding hands in a circle, lift or correcting posture. This is a important practice the teaching staff may use to enhance the safety of the student when performing actions/steps correctly. By signing the attached form you are consenting to the teaching staff of Roby Rogers School of Dancing having physical contact with your student in this regard.