TDC Studio Policies
Mar 14, 2025 12:52 AM
• Dancers need to use the restroom before class in order to avoid any missed instruction or distractions during class.
• No food, gum, or drink, other than water, is allowed in the studios. Only water is allowed in water bottles, no soda, sports drink, or juice.
• Dancers will be dismissed for inappropriate or disruptive behavior. A dancer will receive: 1) a warning, 2) asked to sit out for a few minutes and a parent will be notified, 3) a parent will be asked to attend class, 4) dismissal from class.
• Bullying and rudeness will not be tolerated! If a dancer is mistreating another dancer or a teacher we will notify the parents. If the behavior continues the dancer will be dismissed from the class or comp team and no refunds will be given.
• Do not drop off your dancer any more than 10 minutes before class starts and be prompt in picking them up. All of our teachers will be in class and there will be no staff supervising the lobby.
• If a dancer is more than 15 minutes late to class, they can sit and observe but will not be allowed to participate. They will have missed warm-ups and it is not safe or healthy to dance when not warmed up.
• Dancers are expected to keep the studio clean, including each dance studio, the bathroom, and the lobby. If you send snacks with them, they are responsible for throwing all of their trash away. We have consistently found half eaten sandwiches, fruit, bags of snacks, etc. left on the ground in the lobby. Paper towels need to be thrown in the trash, not the toilet. No popcorn is allowed! It leaves too much of a mess on the carpet. If the messes continue this season, we will have dancers stay after class to clean up the studio.
• Attendance is VITAL for a successful team! If a dancer was well enough to go to school, then they are expected to be at dance. Roll will be taken at the beginning of every class. If your dancer will be absent, please notify the studio by email or text (208)215-9823. If a dancer’s performance is being affected by an excessive number of absences, they will be required to schedule and pay for private lessons with the teacher. It is unfair to the rest of the team when dancers are unprepared for a performance. There are no subs in competitive dance. If a dancer has an injury or a non-contagious illness (cramps, headache, etc.) they are expected to attend class and sit and observe.
• If a dancer is not in appropriate dance wear they will be given black clothes to use for that day. It is the dancer’s responsibility to wash and return the borrowed clothes to the studio the next time they have class. A fee will be added to accounts for any clothes not returned.
- Ballet/Pointe:black ballet leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes/pointe shoes
- JazzTechnique/TeamClasses:Tan jazz shoes, half soles, tennis shoes (hiphop), ALL
BLACK form-fitting dance wear.
• There are NO REFUNDS if a dancer withdraws or is excused from a team. NO EXCEPTIONS.
• Be mindful of the busy parking lot when dropping off or picking up your dancer.
• Do not park on either side of the grassy median directly behind the studio’s parking spaces.
• You may use the Vision Source parking lot for additional parking. Please do not use the parking lot of the building to the west of the studio.
• Check your email often! We use email for all of our news and correspondence. If you have a question about performance times and/or dates, fees, etc., please search your email before asking a staff member or sending an email or text asking for the information. More times than not we have already sent an email that will answer your question.
• You can access all of our policies, dress code, weekly schedule, and any additional schedules in your Dance Studio Pro parent portal. This can be accessed through the web or through the Dance-Studio Pro app. (Please note that the app logo for parents is blue, not white.)
• We are NOT Dance Moms and will not tolerate ANY drama. This goes for dancers as well as parents! Let us know of any concerns you have but please do not address those concerns while sitting in the lobby. Remember that it can go a long way to talk to the other parent that is involved in a concern before bringing it up to the teacher. We are all doing our best and want to keep our studio drama free.
• If a parent is causing problems, being rude to other parents, dancers, or teachers, their dancer will be dismissed from the class and/or comp team and no refunds will be given.
• Parents or legal guardians waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on studio property resulting from normal activity conducted by the students before, during, and after class time. All parents/guardians need to sign our liability waiver for each dancer. This can be found in your DSP account.
• There are no refunds for missed classes. You may make up missed classes by attending
another similar class, but it is your responsibility to coordinate with the teacher of the makeup class.
• For competitive teams there is no tuition adjustment or refunds if your dancer gets injured and can’t dance for an extended period of time. If they want to remain on the team and continue dancing after their injury has healed their tuition must be paid each month to hold their spot.
• If, for any reason, you quit mid-year you will not receive a refund on tuition or costumes.
• Please be mindful when signing up for other activities that the schedule does not interfere with dance. Unlike other sports, there are no “subs†in dance. We count on every dancer to be in class and at each performance and choreograph with that in mind.
• We follow the Coeur d’Alene School District Schedule and do not hold classes on major holidays observed by the district. We will hold classes on no-school days for parent/teacher conferences, teacher workdays, etc.
• In the event of inclement weather, please check your email for updates on if classes will be held. If schools are cancelled due to a snow day we still might have classes, if the roads are clear. There are no refunds for classes cancelled due to weather.
• There is a yearly $25 registration fee for EACH dancer. Registration fees are non-refundable. Dancers must re-register every dance season (September-May). Student placement is not guaranteed until the registration fee has been paid.
• When registering for the beginning of the dance season there is a $50 non-refundable Winter Showcase costume deposit with the remaining balance due with your October tuition. If you are already registered for classes, or if you are registering mid-season (classes starting in January) a $50 Spring Recital costume deposit will be added to your January invoice with the remaining balance due with your February tuition. Costumes will not be ordered for dancers who have not paid their costume fee and additional shipping fees will be added for any costumes that were not ordered on the group order.
• Every family is required to be signed up for Autopay this year. There will be no exceptions. Your dancer will be asked to sit out of class until this requirement has been met. (See directions to set up Autopay below.) If using a credit/debit card, there will be convenience fees of 3.05% plus $0.30 per transaction added. If using an e-check/ACH, there will be convenience fees of 0.80% added. If you would like to pay by check then you can drop it off in the payment box BEFORE Autopay is run. If we do not receive payment in full then we will process your payment method on file.
• If a payment is rejected (expired card, insufficient funds, cancelled card, etc), we will let you know immediately. If payment is not resolved by the 10th of the month a $25 late fee will be added to your account.
• There is a 5% discount on tuition if the entire year is paid full by September 20th. This only applies to tuition. (Contact Jennifer if you would like to use this option.)
• Tuition is calculated by counting every class of the season (September through May) and dividing it into a monthly amount. Therefore, every month the tuition is the same regardless of holidays observed.
• Sign into your Dance Studio Pro account and click on “Account Settings†on the bottom right- hand side of the page, if you are on a computer, and third icon from the bottom on your phone.
• Click on “Automatic Payments†on the left-hand side.
• Click on “Add Payment Method†under “Automatic Payment Settingsâ€.
- That area will expand and you can then either add a credit card or a bank account (ACH).
- To add a bank account you must first check the box next to “I understand and agree to the terms and conditionsâ€, which are written above, and then that area will expand further and will show two options with explanations. Use the option that you would prefer.
• When all information is entered for your payment method of choice, click “Start Auto-Pay Now†and you are all set up!
• Please note, if anything changes with your payment method (new card number, new account, updated expiration date, etc) please log in to your account and make any necessary changes.
**If you have any questions concerning performances, billing, schedules, etc please contact our studio manager, Jennifer Frantz, at or (208)215-9823 (call or text).**