Policies and Waivers

Mar 12, 2025 06:21 AM

Heart to Sole Danceworks Policies, Waiver and Expectations:

1. Monthly fees can be made by pre-authorized credit card (Visa or MasterCard). These are charged on the 1st of each month. Fees paid by Cash/Debit must be secured with a credit card.
2. All other expenses can be paid by cash, debit, Visa or MasterCard.
3. Registration fees are due at the time of registration. These fees are non-refundable once registration has been accepted. (after which 10 monthly payments will be made)
4. We do not accept cheques for payment
5. A 10% Family Discount will be offered for families with more than 1 (one) child registered. The lesser of the fees will be discounted.
6. All invoices PAST DUE 15 days or more will automatically be charged to the credit card on file.
7. A non-refundable $50.00 costume deposit/class will be charged on Feb 15th to your card on file, unless received before this date.
8. A $50 for preschool and $100 for full season dancers recital fee will be charged to each dancer – this includes 2 recital tickets, a DVD of the show, and a tshirt. (families with more than one dancer will pay $50 for additional dancers) Recital fees will be charged on May 1st with your monthly fees. Vocal students will be charged the $50 fee as well.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:
1. One month’s written notice (only email will only be accepted), dated the first of the upcoming month is required when withdrawing from a class. No withdrawals will be accepted after February 1st of the current dance year.
2. All refunds will be charged a $25.00 administration fee.
3. Due to predetermined class sizes and for the benefit of all dancers and Vocalists, there will be no make-up classes for missed classes.

Parent and Dancer Expectations:
1. All parents and students will behave in a professional, respectful and morally acceptable manner while at the studio, speaking in regards to the studio or its employees or in attendance of any studio function. Any behaviour deemed harmful to the well-being of the studio, its employees or students could be grounds for immediate dismissal with no refund.
2. Students are expected to arrive ready and focused for all classes and maintain an acceptable attendance percentage. Proper dancewear and hair should be worn to all classes.
3. Please keep sick and contagious students at home (chronic coughing/runny nose, fever, stomach issues, viruses or symptoms). Students not fit for class will be sent home
4. Classes run on a 10 month commitment and are scheduled from September to June. Please take this into consideration when registering your child for classes.
5. Due to scheduling, Dance Instructors are unable to have parent meetings during class time. Please address any concerns with the director or office administrator or have the front desk arrange a mutually acceptable meeting time.

Day and Summer Camp:
1. Camp fees will be charged approx. 2 weeks before the camp begins. Fees are due in full before the camp begins.
2. Cancellations must occur 2 weeks before the camp starts for any reason other than medical (which will require a doctors note)
3. All refunds will be charged a $25.00 administration fee.
4. Please keep sick and contagious students at home (chronic coughing/runny nose, fever, stomach issues, viruses or symptoms). Students not fit for class will be sent home
5. Please see HTS Liability waiver below.

Liability and Insurance Waiver:
Heart to Sole Danceworks will not be held responsible for lost or stolen property. Please leave all valuables at home. Dance by nature involve certain elements of risk which involve a potential for bodily injury (which may include, but are not limited to pulled muscles, knee and ankle injuries, concussion). I acknowledge this risk and agree to permit my child to participate. The applicant agrees that Heart to Sole Danceworks and or its proprietor will not be held responsible for any loss or accidents and agrees to release same from all claims or damages which may result of, or by any reason of, such loss or accidents. The company reserves the right to request any applicant to withdraw from the dance season prior to its termination if, in the opinion of the company or the instructors, the applicant is not acting in a reasonable manner. The company reserves the right to cancel, with proportional refund, any class or session due to circumstances that are not to the benefit of the applicants or the studio.

Photo Waiver
I agree that any photos taken of my child in the studio or at a studio event may be used for promotional material for up to 5 years after it is taken. If you do not want your child’s photo used, please contact the studio by email before your first class.

Clicking “I agree” is equal to signing and initialing all of these waiver points.