Registration for Fall Classes
Mar 12, 2025 06:21 AM
2024/2025 Classes run from Sept 7 June 21.
A $45 Registration Fee per student (sibling discount 50%) due at time of registration.
This applies to all new and returning students.
All tuition and fees are subject to HST and are non-refundable.
Students have three payment options:
1. Term Payments 2% added discount (Sept-Dec, Jan-Mar, Apr-June) All costume deposits due on Oct 1st.
2. All classes paid up-front for the season at time of registration with a 4% discount. All costume deposits due on Oct 1st.
3. First & Last Payment upfront with no added discount. Plus all costume deposits due at time of registration. All remaining payments are due on the first day of each month Oct-May.
Tuition not paid on time is subject to a 10% late fee.
No Discounts, Refunds or transfers of any fees for missed classes for any reason such as; vacations, class trips, extracurricular events, illness or any other voluntary/involuntary absence.
Payments can be made by Debit, or E-transfer.
Visa or Master Card is accepted only for tuition payments. A 2.9% processing fee will be added.
All accounts must be paid in full prior to year end recital in order to take part. Costumes will not be released to anyone who has a balance owing.
All dancers must follow RDC Dress Code. See Website for details.
Withdrawing from classes must be done a minimum of 21 days prior to next payment due date either by phone, in person or via email directly to Studio Owner or Artistic Director. If sufficient notice is not given, you will be responsible to make your next payment for the upcoming month or term. Last month payment deposits will not be refunded.
Failure to show up to class is not an acceptable form of withdrawal.
If a student withdraws and has a balance owing, the balance must be paid and action will be taken for delinquent accounts.
I, The legal parent or guardian of the participant, release and hold harmless Revival Dance Company its owners, and all operators, from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of Revival Dance Company, its owners and all operators or in route to or from any of said premises.
I, The legal parent or guardian, gives permission to Revival Dance Company, its owners, and operators, to seek medical treatment for the participant in the event they are not able to reach me or any emergency contact provided. I hereby declare any physical/mental problems, restrictions, conditions, allergies and/or declare the participant to be in good physical and mental health.
I, The legal parent or guardian of the participant, agree to allow and give permission to Revival Dance Company to use any photos or video footage of my child/children on the Revival Dance Company website, Social Media sites or any promotional materials for the purpose of marketing and advertising of Revival Dance Company.