L Mace Waiver

Mar 14, 2025 12:52 AM

I understand and acknowledge that there is a risk of injury inherent in dance activities and that personal
injury or damage to property may result during participation in dance, cheer and related activities. I
represent that __________________________(child) is physically able to safely participate in dance and
related activities. I agree to assume all risks associated with my child’s participation in dance instruction,
rehearsal, performance and related activities. In consideration, of receiving dance instruction and L Mace
Studios, I hereby waive, release, and discharge all present and future claims and liabilities of any kind,
whether for bodily injury, property damage, or other loss, arising out of my child’s participation in dance
and related activities, including but not limited to dance instruction, rehearsals, and performances,
whether conducted on or off L Mace Studios premises. I also acknowledge that I am responsible for
delivering my child to the studio and picking her/him up and that the studio is not responsible for a child
that leaves the premises. I have read this release, understand it, and hereby agree to its terms. I hereby
authorize L Mace Studios and anyone dully licensed or authorized by L Mace Studios to (1) televise,
photograph, broadcast and/or make radio, television, video, and audio tapes or motion picture recordings
of me individually or in a group; (2) use or re-use such photographs, recordings, video tapes, audio tapes
and/or motion films in all media throughout the world in perpetuity, and (3) use my name, likeness and/or
physical depiction for any purpose in perpetuity, in an unedited or edited manner or fashion as L Mace
Studios, in its sole discretion, shall determine. This authorization shall also include the use of all such
photographs, recordings, videotapes, audiotapes and/or motion picture films made while your child is a
student at L Mace Studios. I further acknowledge that I came to L Mace Studios on my own free will and
was not solicited by the studio or anyone employed by the studio. I have read and understand the L Mace
studio policies and procedures and agree to all terms. I understand the penalty for delinquent payment of
any fees.
Also by signing this release, I affirm that my child nor anyone in my family has been showing symptoms
of Covid-19, and in the event that they did, the child would cease participation at the studio immediately
until more information is attained. I also understand that L Mace Studios or anyone associated with L
Mace Studios can not be held liable for any exposure to the Covid-19 virus caused by any misinformation
on the health history provided by other students. I understand that being in an environment around other
people, there are always risks of contracting a virus (including but not limited to Covid-19, the flu, strep,
etc.) By signing this release, I hereby waive, release, and discharge all present and future claims and
liabilities of any kind to L Mace Studios relating to Covid-19.
__________________________________________________________ ________________
Signature Date