Parent Agreement

Mar 14, 2025 09:24 PM

You have until the 5th of each month to pay tuition. On the 6th, we will add a $10.00 late fee to your account. If your account becomes delinquent, your child will be sat out of class and if payments have not been received, your child WILL NOT be allowed to return to class until your payments are current. NO EXCEPTIONS! Must be paid before class as well. Any child being dropped off prior to fees not being paid will not able to participate in class. TUITION REMAINS THE SAME EACH MONTH REGARDLESS OF WHETHER IT IS A SHORTENED MONTH DUE TO HOLIDAYS, CLASS SCHEDULE OR A 5 WEEK MONTH.

Disclaimer: Failure to pay class fees and costume fees and any late fees in a timely matter will result in students not
participating in recitals, rehearsals, photoshoots, video shoots, and receiving costumes. Late fees and shipping
fee per costume will apply to accounts not paid on the due date.

I am aware of my financial obligation to pay tuition and all applicable fees

2. A $25.00 return check fee will be added on all insufficient fund checks and can not take checks for a year.

3. If your child is absent due to any reason (such as illness, vacation or other activities) payment is STILL due by the 5th of the month to continue holding a spot in class for your child.

4. There are NO REFUNDS for missed classes. (Classes can NOT be prorated).


6. Report absence in parent portal if, going to miss class for any reason. No call No show for 3 weeks will result in removal from the roster.

7. Only Parents listed in the Parent Portal will have permission to receive info, receipt, and make changes to account. If there are multiple family members that will be paying and needing access to the account, the legal guardian of the child may send a notification by email. ICE STUDIOS WILL NOT CONDUCT BUSINESS WITH FAMILY MEMBERS NOT LISTED ON ACCOUNT. ONLY ONE ACCOUNT PER CHILD/FAMILY IS ALLOWED.

8. Students should arrive and be ready to dance at least 10 minutes prior to their scheduled class time. Must be accompanied by a parent if arriving more than 15 minutes prior to class. Students are not allowed to wait in other classes they are not signed up for.

9. If students are more than 15 minutes late to class, they must get permission to participate in class.

10. Parents MUST CHECK STUDENTS IN AND OUT ( Students will not be admitted to class if fees are not paid BEFORE CLASS)

11. Failure to pick up students on time will result in a $7.00 late pick up fee for every 15 minutes after class has ended. (PLEASE CONTACT THE STUDIO IF GOING TO LATE)

12. It is the responsibility of the dancer (18 and older) and the parents/guardians to stay informed of studios updates. (CHECK EMAILS, TEXT MESSAGES, VOICEMAILS, AND FLYERS OR INFO SHEETS)

13. A Non-Refundable Costume Fee of will be due before students can participate in the show, participate in rehearsals, video shoots, photoshoots and receive costumes. MUST SIGN UP FOR COSTUME FEE and pay in FULL by Nov 5 of the current dance year or make payment arrangemes by Nov 5 of the current dance year. THIS IS FOR FALL CLASSES

14. Students must be properly dressed for the class including shoes. If not, students will not be able to participate in class. (See DressCode Sheet)

15. No food is allowed in the dance studio unless approved. Only WATER in a tightly sealed bottle!

16. All students are encouraged not to leave the room once the class has begun.

17. Parents, siblings, or visitors are NOT permitted to be in the dance room during class time unless permission is given from the Instructor or on special occasions. Exception: Previously scheduled Watch Weeks (Please see ISSOD Calendar)

18. Parents should take children between the ages 3 to 7 to the restroom before class begins.

19. Show Respect for teachers, students, volunteers, and parents. If a dancer is disruptive and is repeatedly asked to behave he/she may be asked to leave the classroom or excused from class.

20. Video Recording the class in whole or part is not permitted without the expressed written permission of the Director.

21. Parents are not allowed to hang around the front desk for long periods of time unless waiting to be serviced. (5 to 10 min before class is accepted if waiting for a child to get out of class)

22. All parents and siblings must wait in the waiting room (Please read waiting room rules) Students under 14 can be not be left alone

23. No, smoking within 50 feet of the building.

24. Refrain from using foul and inappropriate language, inappropriate behavior and actions at ICE STUDIOS DANCE CLASSES, EVENTS, AND REHEARSALS (Please make this aware to anyone dropping off your child as well)

25. Please respect the property and space

26. Please DO NOT BRING PEANUTS or NUTS, or anything containing peanuts of any kind into Studio.

27. Please do not stop a teacher in classes to ask a question. This will cause major disruption in class and proper supervision to students during class.

28. All accounts must be current for dancers to participate in the end of year recital and students must follow recital guidelines and procedures.

29. I acknowledge and consent to allow ICE STUDIOS SCHOOL OF DANCE to use: photos and/or videos of my child/myself in publications (such as flyers/brochures), advertisements (such as newspapers or online ads), our studio’s website, or on social media sites (such as the studio’s Facebook or Instagram account). I understand that in some cases, my child and/or my name may be used. I further understand no financial compensation will be for use of these photos/videos.

30. In consideration of the benefits derived from ICE STUDIOS, and understanding fully the risks associated with dance or any physical activity, parents/students/guardians waive on their behalf and on behalf of any heirs, executors, administrators, or successors in the interest of any and all claims of any nature arising from any activity in ICE STUDIOS or its premises, including but not limited to dance instruction, rehearsal, training, and performances at ICE STUDIOS, or in any location in which ICE STUDIOS performs, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, foreseen or unforeseen, and for bodily injury, property damage or loss or otherwise, that students/parents/guardians may incur, against ICE STUDIOS, its successors and assigns, officers, directors, shareholders, employees and agents, and their heirs, executors, and administrators. Additionally, students/guardians waive any and all claims arising out of (1) the act of being transported to and from such activities by any ICE STUDIOS staff member or parent, or (2) as may arise out of any other ICE STUDIOS events or functions, whether on the ICE STUDIOS premises or elsewhere. The student(s) named on this contract does voluntarily participate in any/all ICE STUDIOS activities and the student and the parent/guardian understand that certain risks are involved and waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained resulting from any dance activity or any other activity conducted by the student(s) before, during or after class time.

31. I certify that the student(s) listed on this contract/parent portal is(are) in good health and capable of participating in all the activities and classes. Medical Emergencies I hereby grant ICE STUDIOS staff and Studio Director to give consent for any emergency medical treatment to my child while in ICE STUDIOS classes or participating in any ICE STUDIOS activity. I hold ICE STUDIOS and its staff harmless in such an event. I AGREE TO PAY FOR THE COSTS OF ANY SUCH MEDICAL TREATMENT.

32. Please check-in by logging into the Parent Portal app

33. Please ENTER in the Parking lot door and pick leave out Studio door facing Prospect
Each child will have their temperature checked upon entering the studio. If their temperature is 100 degrees or above, they will not be permitted to enter.

34. Hand sanitizer stations will be available at the entrance and in all dance rooms. Dancers will be required to sanitize upon arrival and before they leave.

35. A cleaning attendant will be working throughout the entire evening to maintain cleanliness and disinfection in all areas of the studio.

36. Dancers should come to class ready to dance with dance shoes and water bottles in hand or bag.

37. Restrooms will be open, but we encourage dancers to use the restroom at home before coming to the studio.

38. We ask that parents wait in the parking lot or small waiting area in buidling. Please do not crowd the hall or doorway for long periords

39. No food will be permitted in the dance studio. Please bring your own water bottle from home. The drinking fountain will be closed.

40. Please note by agreeing to return your child back to class you hereby release and agree to hold ICE STUDIOS harmless from and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and compensation for damages or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the studio, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from ICE STUDIOS. I agree to release ICE STUDIOS from any and all liability for the unintentional exposure or harm due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) or any other common know virus ICE. STUDIOS agrees to abide by these standards and affirms the same.

41.By agreeing below, I certify that I have received and understand all information regarding enrollment and full participation in ICE Studios School of Dance. I certify that I have read and will be responsible for all policies and procedures outlined in the studio handbook and all accompanying correspondence.

42. I agree to {terms & conditions}. ICE STUDIOS is NOT responsible if a parent does not meet the deadline requested. ICE STUDIOS NOT responsible if the class gets full if deadline requirements are not met. ICE STUDIOS is not responsible if the student does not show up to classes. Ice Studios is not responsible if a parent does not provide accurate or updated contact information. Ice Studios is not responsible if a parent does not provide proper communication to keep the account in good standing, Parents must follow policies and procedures when signing up for classes ICE STUDIOS has the right to refuse services to anyone not upholding proper code of conduct or studio procedures