By enrolling into programs and services offered by Inspire Creative Arts, I agree to the following Terms and Conditions as set by The Inspire Collective Pty Ltd, trading as Inspire Creative Arts (ICA):
1.1 Tuition fees are billed at a flat rate per term;
1.2 ICA accepts the following payment methods: credit card or direct debit (auto-pay) from a debit or credit card (ICA does not accept cash payments);
1.3 The following fees are incurred per transaction, in addition to tuition:
i. Credit card payments: 1.81% + 30 cents; and
ii. Bank accounts: 1% + 30 cents.
1.4 All families must enrol in Inspire's direct debit (autopay) facility, as part of their ICA registration;
1.5 Families registered in one (1) Inspire program, may make their tuition payment by way of:
i. Credit or debit card in full, by the due date on their invoice; or
ii. Direct debit (autopay) in full, which debits the total invoice amount from accounts on the first Monday of each new term.
1.6 Families registered in two (2) or more Inspire programs, may make their tuition payment by way of:
i. Credit or debit card in full, by the due date on their invoice; or
ii. Direct debit (autopay) in full, which debits the total invoice amount on the first Monday of each new term.
iii. Direct debit (autopay) fortnightly instalments, which debits part-payments every other Monday (Week 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 of each term).
1.7 Students registered in regular/ongoing private tuition bookings, are to make tuition payment as per clause 1.6;
1.8 Any additional fees incurred by families throughout the term will be debited from their nominated bank account, credit or debit card on the next, scheduled debit day. This may include items such as: concert participation fees, concert costumes, or other requested products and services. ICA will always remind families of their upcoming fees and debit dates, and you are able to view your account balance at any time via your online portal or app.
1.9 For members enrolled in ICA's term-based classes/programs, an annual registration fee of $60 (or $90 for 2+ children in a family) applies at the time of registration;
1.10 Students are not permitted entry into their programs if there is an outstanding balance on their account;
1.11 ICA engages EC Credit Control Debt Recovery for outstanding invoices. Should a recovery matter occur, you will incur all costs associated in pursuing debt recovery;
1.12 Sufficient funds must be available in your nominated account for autopay debits. If there are insufficient funds in your account at the time of our scheduled debit:
i. There are no dishonour fees charged by Inspire's autopay facility, though you may incur a fee from your own financial institution; and
ii. You must arrange for the debit payment to be made by another method, or arrange for sufficient funds to be in your account by an agreed time, so that we may process the debit payment again.
1.13 It is your responsibility to update your payment method details via the online portal or app, including change of bank account or credit card expiry, etc;
1.14 It is your responsibility to advise us of any changes to your registration with Inspire at the end of each term, so that we may adjust your tuition fees prior to the next term's debit;
1.15 Inspire or Studio Pro (SP) does not store your credit card/bank information on our servers. This information is stored within the compliant merchant processor (Stripe/BECS).
2.1 Enrolment is a term commitment. ICA do not provide refunds or credits for classes that are unattended for any reason.
2.2 Students who miss classes, including those missed due to public holidays, may participate in a “make up” lesson upon prior arrangement with the office;
2.3 If a class is cancelled by ICA and a “make up” class has not been arranged, you are entitled to a credit to the value of this class. If the cancelled class is discounted or free in your enrolment package, the credit will reflect this accordingly;
2.4 If a student is absent for 3+ consecutive weeks due to sickness or injury, Inspire will pro-rata your account accordingly upon provision of a medical certificate, unless the invoice is overdue;
2.5 If enrolling into a class mid-term, tuition will be calculated at a pro-rata rate based on the number of lessons left in the term;
2.6 All new students, or existing students enrolling into a new class, are entitled to a 'no-obligation' trial lesson. The trial lesson will be charged if you decide to proceed with enrolment into the class;
2.7 Any account credits issued must be used within a six (6) month period from the date of issue and/or expire at the end of a calendar year (31 December).
3.1 PT can be booked as an: a) Standalone lesson (adhoc/once-off), b) Solo Package (a predetermined number of consecutive lessons for the purposes of creating a solo performance item), or c) Term-based lesson (a weekly commitment for 10 x weeks, fortnightly commitment for 5 x weeks or as otherwise agreed upon with ICA)
3.2 PT bookings are invoiced for with payment due in advance of the lesson/s. All payment terms apply as per Item 1 of this waiver.
3.3 If payment has not been received into the accounts within 24 hours of the scheduled date, the PT booking may be cancelled by ICA.
3.4 PT bookings are non-refundable. ICA do not refund or credit amounts for PT bookings that are unattended for any reason;
3.5 If a student cannot attend a PT booking due to unfortunate/unforeseen circumstances, a "make-up" lesson may be offered at the discretion and availability of your ICA teacher. Please note that our staff and studio availability is very limited so if a make-up lesson cannot be provided, two (2) group classes will be offered in its place.
3.6 If your PT is a term-based lesson and you wish to discontinue these lessons for the following term, please provide at least three (3) weeks notice to allow us sufficient time to fill the opening with a waitlisted student.
3.7 PT bookings are not included in ICA enrolment packages or any other discount schemes.
4.1 Payment for SP bookings is due in full at the time of booking;
4.2 If payment has not been received into the accounts within 24 hours of the scheduled date, the SP booking may be cancelled by ICA.
4.3 SP bookings are non-refundable. ICA do not refund or credit amounts for SP bookings that are unattended for any reason, other than if the SP is cancelled by ICA. In this case, a full refund will be provided.
4.4 SP bookings are not included in ICA enrolment packages or any other discount schemes.
5.1 All subsequent children (2+ siblings) in a family receive 10% off their tuition. Family discounts do not apply if a subsequent child is enrolled in a package, where discounts are already applied;
5.2 The 1st/full paying child in a family is the child with the highest tuition charge applied;
5.3 Private Tuition and Special Programs are not included in any discount schemes offered by ICA;
5.4 For Health Care concession card holders, a 10% discount applies for children enrolled in up to two (2) classes; 5.5 The discount for Health Care concession card holders will lapse upon expiry of your card. Cardholders are responsible for keeping their card valid and up-to-date on our records;
5.6 ICA is a provider of the NSW Government’s Active Kids and Creative Kids rebates. All vouchers must be submitted prior to the term’s commencement, with the balance paid by the due date;
5.7 In accordance with NSW Government policy, under no circumstance are ICA able to:
i. Refund or credit rebate amounts;
i.i. Refund or credit unused/left-over rebate amounts (in the case that the rebate is more than the amount owing with Inspire)
5.8 If a rebate voucher has been processed and the full invoice amount is paid in error, the overpayment will remain on your account as a credit to go towards the following term's tuition.
6.1 ICA maintains a uniform policy for all students, as outlined in our uniform requirements document.
7.1 Please ensure that pick up and drop off is prompt. In the instance of running late for pick up, please SMS the studio (0401 334 546) so that the appropriate staff member may be notified;
7.2 In the event of a late pick-up that is longer than 15 minutes after close of business (the final lesson of the day or evening), Inspire may be required to issue an invoice in order to compensate staff for overtime hours;
7.3 Friends and family members are not permitted inside the studios during classes unless discussed with the teacher prior to the lesson. We hold scheduled parent viewing times in the final week of some terms. Studios are not to be entered into without a teacher or manager present;
7.4 No video recording or photographing of class activity is permitted;
7.5 Students are not to utilise mobile phones or other devices during their lessons unless granted permission by a teacher, or in the event of an emergency. Students must not bring any valuables or electronics including iPads or gaming devices;
7.6 Please ensure that the waiting room/common areas and bathrooms are left clean and ready for the next user. Take all rubbish and possessions with you, and return items to their correct place. Please take all reasonable care for the protection of persons and property including furniture, decoration and fittings;
7.7 ICA is a non-smoking and alcohol-free zone;
7.8 ICA is released from all liability in the event of injury, illness or loss pertaining to the unapproved use of studio property including furniture, decoration, fittings, and equipment;
7.9 Please keep noise to a reasonable minimum so that classes are not disturbed. Toddlers and young children may not roam the building or grounds unaccompanied, and must be supervised by a parent/guardian at all times;
7.10 ICA reserves the right to ask persons to leave who are acting in a disruptive, inappropriate, offensive or dangerous manner.
8.1 Photography and footage of students at ICA may be taken and used for activities, events and promotional purposes (website, social media, advertising material, newsletters). Your child will only be identified by their first name, and no other personal information will be disclosed unless we have received written permission from you. If you would like to opt out for your child to be photographed or videoed when at the ICA premise or representing us at events/outside of the premise, please notify our office upon enrolment.
9.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that your child’s medical history and needs are disclosed when finalising your enrolment. Please provide all documentation regarding your child's medical information, action plans and medication administering, so that we can have this readily on file and ensure our team are adequately trained and prepared;
9.2 Families must advise the studio if an injury or medical condition arises which may be adversely affected by certain types of movement and training;
9.3 First Aid is available and qualified to be administered. If you do not wish for your child to receive First Aid in the case of an emergency, please notify the office upon enrolment.
By enrolling into Inspire Creative Arts, I acknowledge and agree to the above terms, and the following statement:
I am the parent/legal guardian of the registered student. Whilst I understand that Inspire Creative Arts/The Inspire Collective Pty Ltd (ICA) will take all reasonable care of my child, I understand and accept that ICA and its employees/contractors/agents are not liable for any loss, injury or illness suffered by participants in its programs. I give permission for ICA to seek medical attention for my child if deemed necessary. I give permission for photo, video and audio recordings to be taken throughout my child’s participation at ICA, and understand these may be used for promotional purposes. I have disclosed my child’s medical history and requirements to ICA, and have sought appropriate medical advice regarding any condition prior to this registration. I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions as set above by ICA. I certify that all information provided by me is true and correct.