I understand that all registration, tuition, and recital fees are NON REFUNDABLE. There will be a $20 late fee for payments received after the 10th. A two week written notice of withdrawal must be given in order to stop tuition charges.
If your dancer is unable to attend class due to illness, inclement weather, or a school holiday, they have the following week to participate in a make-up class within the same category or age group for which they are registered. Please note that if the make-up class is not completed in the following week, it will be considered void.
I understand that risk of injury is inherent in any physical activity and I, on behalf of myself and my child, knowingly and voluntarily accept that risk. I, the undersigned, for myself, my heirs, administrators, and executors, hereby waive and release Kristina Weinman individually and NB Dance & Company and it's staff from any and all claims or damages in said program. I further certify that the aforementioned student is in proper physical condition to participate in said program. I, the undersigned, do hereby authorize Kristina Weinman, or her detailed agents (being teachers or administrators employed by NB Dance & Company) to obtain medical treatment for my said child in emergency situations where I cannot be reached in time to authorize the treating physician to provide such emergency medical services. I understand that I am responsible for any medical expenses and that the absence of health insurance does not make NB Dance & Company responsible for payment of medical expenses. This authority includes the power to authorize any and all treatment deemed necessary under the circumstances by a licensed physician. This power in in essence a power of attorney and shall remain in effect for one year from the date agreed upon. In addition, I understand and authorize images and videos of my child to be used for marketing and promotional purposes.