As the parent/legal guardian of the above registered dancer, I understand that there is a possible risk for injury to the student and/or damage or loss of personal items which may result from participation in dance programming. By signing below, I hereby release and discharge The Bracebridge School of Dance Arts, its teachers, employees and independent contractors from any and all liability for personal injury, damage or lost items on or off our premises. I agree to adhere to the drop-off and pick-up policy in place for the Bracebridge School of Dance Arts; with the exception of “Wee” and “Pre” level students who’s parents may ask to give additional assistance until the student is comfortable, needing a parent to remain for additional support. I agree to allow photos and videos of my student to be used for promotional materials on the Bracebridge School of Dance Arts social media and web pages. (There is a “photo opt-out” option below if these are not your wishes)