My chorister(s) has my permission to attend all Seattle Children's Chorus activities; including but not limited to rehearsals, workshops, concerts, and performances. I release the Seattle Children's Chorus and all adult chaperones who are in attendance from any liability for injury to my child, unless such injury results from an intentional act by said adults. I further give adult chaperones the authority to administer or arrange any emergency medical attention for my child. I also give permission for my child to be photographed/video taped during all activities of the Seattle Children's Chorus and authorize the use of said photographs/video for publicity purposes in the advancement of the Seattle Children's Chorus.
I agree to the terms, conditions, and payment requirements: -Choristers and families agree to the SCC Attendance Policy as outlined in the Parent/Chorister Handbook: No more than 2 absences per half year are acceptable. -I understand that accounts must be current for choristers to participate in rehearsals, concerts, festivals and tours. -If a chorister needs to withdraw from the program, parents of the chorister must give written notice of their intent. This notice must be 30 days in advance of the withdrawal. The tuition refund or reduction will be based on the date that the written notice is turned into the Seattle Children’s Chorus office. If written notice is given on or before September 1, the family is liable only for the nonrefundable registration fee and any Chorus Connection installment fees. If written notice is given on or before October 30th, the family is liable for the nonrefundable registration fee, and ¼ of tuition. Any prepaid tuition refunds will only be issued when chorister's clean uniform and music have been returned to the SCC office and refunds will be issued in accordance with the SCC Tuition Policy. A $15 administrative fee will deducted from any refunds. -Fees for unreturned uniforms and/or music will be assessed before issuing refunds or discontinuance of payments. Discontinuance of automatic payments will be in accordance with SCC Tuition Policy. Please read the SCC Tuition Policy in the Parent/Chorister Handbook, also listed on our website. By choosing to accept, you agree to the Tuition and Participation Agreement. You may find a copy of this in the SCC Chorister Handbook, or on our website." - Class schedule: Every Tuesday and Thursday, starting 9/17/24 ending 12/17 (no rehearsal 12/19). Resuming on 1/7, continuing through 6/10 & 6/12. No rehearsal on 4/22 or 4/24 for spring break.