Please read carefully and sign agreement digitally following:
1. I understand fully that even after responsible precautions have been taken, class activities may involve hazards for which Duvall Performing Arts cannot be held responsible. In the event that my child or I become sick or injured during class, I authorize DPA staff to seek appropriate emergency care. In signing below, I certify that my child and I are covered by health insurance or Medicaid. In the event of an emergency, I will provide DPA with my Insurance Provider and Policy number.
2. I have read, understand, and agree to comply fully with DPA enrollment/registration policies regarding tuition payments and late fees. CLASSES RUN FROM Sept.-June. Tuition is billed monthly via automatic credit card payment on the first Monday of the month. Registration fees ($40, $50/family) are collected at enrollment as well as first months tuition. A $20 late fee will be applied to any tuition paid after the 15th of the month.
3. I release DPA and is instructors, staff, and directors form and any and all liability of any kind and nature whatsoever which may arise out of, or in connection with, the registrants participation in the programs offered or use of services or facilities or the premises where DPA is located. This assumption of risk and release is binding upon registrant and registrant heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and family members.
4. I understand that DPA HAS THE RIGHT TO CHANGE SCHEDULES, INSTRUCTORS, POLICIES, AND/OR RATES at any time. DPA will make every effort to communicate changes in advance, however, it is MY responsibility to read emails from DPA and come to DPA's front desk or call to stay current on all charges due, class information, holiday/break schedule, weather closures, showcase details, and special events.
5. Refund Policy: I understand that I am to give a months notice before withdrawing my child. If I pay a months tuition and decide to withdraw my child, I will not be reimbursed for missed days. I understand that all withdrawal requests must be made in writing to the studio by the 20th of the month to avoid auto-pay the following month. Duvall Performing Arts, PO Box 693, Duvall WA 98019.