Performance Fees and Requirements
I understand that all youth students may participate in up to two performances per year in which they may take part, and that it is assumed that all youth students will be participating, unless written notice is given. I understand that unless I notify the office in writing, prior to February 1st, 2025, I will be automatically charged for a costume. I understand when students are asked to perform in the community for various holiday events, that costuming will be provided for me free of charge. In addition, I have read the tuition rate schedule and am aware that there will be costuming costs for my child for the Spring Program that will be kept to a minimum. I have also read the “Payment Option Selection Form†and have chosen the plan which best suits me, which I will adhere to. I also understand there are no refunds or prorating of tuition for missed classes at any time, for any reason. In the event that circumstances beyond my control (i.e, relocation out of town, death of immediate family member, medical reasons) cause us to delete classes for which we are enrolled, that I must complete a “Change Form†in person, and that a minimum of thirty days written notice is required.
Make-up Classes/Attendance Policy
I understand that I am allowed to take up to 4 make-up classes per class enrolled per year. These classes must be taken within four months of having missed a class and permission to enter a class as a make-up must be obtained from the instructor or Studio Director. Make-up classes must be utilized on or before April 30, 2025. Make-up classes include any age and level appropriate class for the student. Accounts will not be credited for classes missed. In order to utilize my make-up classes, I must be a student in good standing, with all due tuition paid. I also understand, that a make-up class is for my benefit, and does not eliminate any absences from my regularly scheduled class(es).
I also understand that students who miss more than four (4) regularly scheduled classes beginning February 1, and/or the required dress rehearsal the day of the Spring Program will not be allowed to participate in the Spring Program. However, I further understand that Advanced Level and higher classes allow no more than 3 absences, beginning February 1st, 2025, including no more than one of those taking place during the month of May. This requirement exists so my child can receive the full benefit of his/her training before performing on stage and this policy will only be waived in extreme circumstances (i.e. death in immediate family, severe illness/injury, etc.), and will not be waived otherwise. If a student does miss more than the allotted classes, there will be no refund for costumes already purchased.
Dress Code
I understand that all students must have appropriate attire for each class, as outlined in the Studio Dress Code and that I will be responsible for my student’s attire. Any student not dressed in appropriate attire and shoes after three weeks of attendance will not be allowed to participate in class.
Professional Code
I understand that dance and tumbling are physical activities, which may cause injury and often requires instructors to touch students as part of the learning process. I understand that all instructors of The Studio, Inc. are highly qualified and will use their professional discretion when assisting each student. I give my permission to the instructors and student apprentices to assist my child by touching them when it is needed or beneficial for them.
Pandemic Guidelines
I understand that The Studio, Inc. will make an effort to keep my child(ren) safe. As city, county, state and national guidelines fluctuate, policies may change to accommodate those shifts. The Studio, Inc. will make every effort to adjust any tuition payments and other charges in relation to availability of class. I understand, should I choose to withdraw my child from class, their space may not be available upon classes resuming. Instructors will make an effort to distance students from one another whenever possible. Instructors will still have safety in mind when a spot on skills is needed. I understand that dance is a contact sport and some partnering including hand to hand contact is essential to training. Instructors will continue to use their best judgement and support proper hygiene before partnering skills for dance AND tumble. I understand that there are risks involved and do not hold The Studio, Inc. liable for any possible exposure in class. Should a Covid or similar illness arise, I will be sure to inform The Studio so anyone in direct contact can assess their risk. The Studio, Inc. will inform all students who were in attendance with possible exposure as soon as possible.
Photo Release
The Studio, Inc., its officers, directors and employees, have my permission to publish photographs taken of my child(ren), for the purposes of promoting its dance, acting and related programs for youth.