The customer is the parent/guardian who enrols the student. The customer is solely responsible for all correspondence and the payment of all accounts. Any arrangement for co-contributions from third parties is the sole responsibility of the customer. This is not the responsibility of DanceWorks.
I understand and accept that Term Fees must be paid in full by their due date. If my account is overdue, my child will be unable to participate in class until they are finalised. I understand that fees are a Term commitment and no refunds or credits will be given once the Term has been entered into. Changes to fees must be made prior to the Term starting.
All correspondence can be electronically emailed to my email address listed on my Customer Details including invoices and correspondence relating to dance for my child/children. I agree to check my emails regularly.
I understand and accept that at times my child/children will have physical contact with teachers and other students.
Medical Consent:
If in time of an accident or serious illness and I cannot be contacted, I give permission for DanceWorks staff to administer first aid to my child/children and seek medical attention. I will give any relevant medical information, as this will best help my child’s learning.
I understand and accept that dance classes can involve risk or personal injury. While DanceWorks takes all due care in the conduct of classes, it accepts no responsibility for injury or loss caused during classes or whilst students/participants are at, or near the Dance Studio. I am responsible for ensuring that my child is physically and medically fit for the class and during the class, my child must at all times take care of their own personal safety.
Publicity Consent:
I give permission for my child/children, to be involved in promotional activities and/or articles in relation to DanceWorks. This may include still photography, video photography, printing of names under photos and printing of names in relation to student achievements and activities, therefore, identifying students publicly.
I give permission for my child/children to be videoed at performances including the End of Year Showcase. I understand that copies of the End of Year Showcase will be sold to DanceWorks families and friends and may be viewed by members of the public.
I understand and accept the information in the DanceWorks 2024 Handbook. I acknowledge any breach of these policies may result in the cancellation of my enrolment. (2025 to be released shortly)
If I am uncomfortable with any of the above, I will contact admin via as soon as possible to discuss. Exceptions can be made to the the social media rule, we just need to have this communicated in email.
Thank you,
Miss Morgan & The DanceWorks South Coast Team.