â– Registration and Tuition
1. There is a non-refundable $25 registration fee. This holds the
student’s spot for any class. If the registration has not been
paid, the spot in the class will be declined.
2. Dance tuition is due on the 7th of each month. A $20 late fee
will be accessed on the 8th of each month. If you have a
conflict with paying, please notify ahead of time.
3. Payments are accepted through cash, check, credit card,
online, Cashapp: $elevedancestudio, or Apple Pay: 4046930303.
4. If tuition or other balances have not been paid for over a
month, the child will not be allowed to participate in classes
until the balance is paid.
5. Students attending Elevé Dance Studio may not enroll in any
other dance studio classes due to conflict of scheduling with
classes, shows, events, etc.
6. Notify the front desk receptionist if you would like to drop or
add a class.
â– Drop Off
1. When dropping off your child for dance class, please make
sure you check in at the front desk. Check-ins start 10 minutes
before class. Do not drop off/check-in before then.
2. Make sure your child has their proper attire and dance shoes
ON before dance class starts.. If you have a child that cannot
dress themselves, please assist them before you leave.
3. If your child has and/or needs their glasses, medication, body
braces, etc. for class, please provide them at the time of class.
â– Pick Up
1. When picking up your child, please come in the studio to check
them out.
â– Absences
1. Send an email to dance.eleve@gmail.com or text 404-693-0303
if you or your child will be absent. If your child only attends
one class in a month, full tuition is still charged.
2. If attendance becomes a problem, the student’s participation
in a show/event will be discussed with a possibility of not being
able to perform.
â– Dance Dress Code
1. NO jeans, sandals, flip flops, crocs are allowed for class
2. Each class has a specific attire to wear (except hip hop). If you
have not purchased the attire/shoes, or need new items,
contact Ms. Jelinda.
3. Hair must be pulled back and out of the face. No extra jewelry.
â– Dance Classroom Rules
1. Students enter the studio when your class has been called.
2. No RUNNING or FLIPPING allowed unless given permission.
4. No use of electronics during class unless recording.
5. Please bring water/gatorade for class.
6. Please use the bathroom before class starts.
7. No food or snacks inside the studio during class.
8. Avoid interrupting class and see front desk assistant for any
â– Injuries
1. If a student injures themselves during class, immediate care
will be provided. The instructor will ask the child to sit down
and a parent will be contacted.
2. Please bring any knee, ankle, or other braces to class if needed
after any injury.
â– Discipline
1. If a student is being disobedient or disrespectful to the
instructor, other students or staff (including bullying):
First time: Receive warning
Second time: Sit down in class, parent contact.
Third time: Removed from class and parent contact.
2. Students who do not come in correct attire:
First time: Receive warning
Second time: Parent contacted
â– Studio Etiquette
1. Profanity, unsportsmanlike conduct, and gossip will not be
2. Students and parents will conduct themselves in an
appropriate manner while at Elevé, performances and events
in which Elevé is being represented. Proper respect for
instructors is expected of all students, parents/guardians and
3. Any inappropriate or slanderous remarks about Elevé Dance
Studio on any social media site will result in immediate
dismissal from the studio.
4. We ask that no students or parents taking classes at Elevé and
recently thereafter solicit/recruit for other studios.
â– Lost and Found
1. All items left in the studio will be placed in the lost & found bin
for one month. Please label all shoes, clothes and bags to
make it easy to locate if lost.
â– Photography and Videos
1. Throughout classes, pictures and videos will be taken. Some
footage is used for advertisement and entertainment on our
social media site.