You must be over 18 to create an account.
Payment Terms: - Enrolment fees are non-refundable - trial classes can be paid for with cash on the day - tuition refunds for remainder of term will be given if the student discontinues within four weeks of the term, after four weeks no refund is permitted - you will not be reimbursed if your child is sick or misses a class - you will be credited the cost of the lesson on your portal account if the studio or teacher cancels a class for whatever reason. - payment is per term
Class expectations Entry to our main studio in Devonport is via the car park at the rear of the property (34 Wenvoe Street). Entry to the hall on Edward Street is through the wire fence gate and double doors up the alley way. Children need to come straight into the building and need to be escorted if under seven years old. They need to remain in the building until they are collected. Please be on time and ready for every class. We do not allow parents to sit in on classes unless invited (Tot Bots parents exempt) as we find students perform better without being watched and tend to find parents distracting. You are responsible for getting your child to exams, events and concerts by the prescribed time and ensuring that your child is ready to dance. This includes: reminding them to go over their dance in their head, making sure their hair is off their face and going to stay that way (make them turn and jump), getting them into their costume/s and organising their make-up. For concerts we advise stage make-up and we run workshops on this. Uniform Students are expected to wear dance uniform for all dance lessons. Our studio uniform is: Blue leotard for jazz, tap, ballet and contemporary Black shorts optional for all styles Black 3/4 trousers for hip hop Blue top for hip hop and all other styles (however not used for exams unless doing a hip hop exam) Black top & circular skirt for Irish Black Trousers and black top for males - Irish Wearing the correct dance gear helps teachers to see their students bodies clearly and make appropriate corrections. If your child is wearing inappropriate clothes for dance they may be asked to sit out. Our studio uniform is designed to help our students to understand the way their body moves and make self-directed corrections in their dance class. It also encourages students to take pride in their artform, their team and their studio. Behaviour We take physical and emotional well-being and safety very seriously at Tech Steps Dance Studio and reserve the right to ask any child to sit out if they are: - Impacting negatively on other students (e.g. distracting others) - Interrupting the lesson -Failing to follow instructions -Being unsafe in any way If your child is continuously asked to sit out it may result in non-participation in the concert or community event. You will be notified promptly of any behaviour issue from class. We reserve the right to exclude children from dance classes if they prove to disrupt or impact negatively on other childrens learning. Learning and Practising Learning an exam or a routine for a concert can make children feel pressured and anxious. It is imperative for your child to attend class every week if they have been selected to do an exam/concert. Missing classes will result in your child missing out on important information that will help them perform at their best. We may feel they are under-prepared and ask they not participate. The best way to ensure your child is prepared, can overcome their nervousness and to improve in general is to involve themselves in dance away from class. This could be as simple as: - Stretching in front of the TV at night - Playing their dance music in the car or in their bedroom - Practising their steps or routines at home - Recording themselves and watching the video back - Running through things in their head By doing these things they will improve dramatically and their level of comprehension will develop quickly. Our teachers will not be available for catch up private lessons if your child is absent from normal class. A list of steps and music will be available for your child on the portal to aid with practising and a report of their progress is available at the end of Term 1. Costumes and Shoes 5Students need to wear appropriate dance shoes to avoid long term injury to their feet. These can be purchased second hand or ordered through your parent portal. Tap shoes are hired at $2 per week, however students are welcome to purchase their own tap shoes. Payment Payment is due at the beginning of each school term. A $10 late fee will apply if fees are unpaid within 21 days. Payment can be made via the portal, cash in class or direct deposit. If you require a printed statement or receipt please let us know. If an invoice is left unpaid for more than two terms, a debt collector will be enlisted to recover any fees owing. All fees associated with recovering the debt will be added to the owing invoice. If your child chooses to discontinue dance after four weeks into any term you are liable to pay in full for the term unless your child’s spot can be filled. Notification All our main correspondence is through our online portal. You will receive an email when there is a studio announcement on the portal. Please let us know as soon as you can if you prefer not to receive correspondence this way and we will endeavour to email or print notifications and invoices. By clicking 'I agree' you are confirming that you have read the Tech Steps Dance Studio enrolment contract and agree to the terms and conditions outlined. You also give permission for your child’s photo to appear on digital and printed media related only to Tech Steps Dance Studio. Your personal details will be kept private, used only by teachers, and held by the studio for up to 12 months after you dis-continue enrolment.