Summer: A non-refundable registration fee of $40.00 per student is required at the time of registration to secure your child's place in class in Dance Collab or Thrive.
Fall: A non-refundable registration fee of $40.00 per student is required at the time of registration to secure your child's place in class. There is a two-month minimum on all classes. I understand by registering my child I am responsible for payment for the first two months of tuition after I register. Please note that the credit card information that you provide for your registration fee will also be used for your monthly tuition.
Summer: Dance Collab payments will be automatically drafted on June 13th and Thrive payments will be automatically drafted on July 5th.
Fall: Tuition must be paid by automatic monthly draft, or full year payment.
Payment by Automatic Bank Account or Automatic Credit Card Charge: (Fall Only)
Tuition is based on a yearly rate and divided into 10 equal installments if paying monthly. Tuition will be debited from your bank account on the 1st day of each month from September through June or charged to your credit card the 1st day of each month. The first two months of tuition are non-refundable. Payments are NOT accepted for in-person payment on a monthly basis. Monthly payments will only be accepted through automatic bank draft or credit card charges. ALL Fees including tuition, costume deposits, costume balances and recital fee will be auto-drafted on their due date with the card on file.
Full Year Payments: (Fall Only)
Tuition will be accepted for full year payment in the form of check or cash only. Full year payments will be due by September 1, 2025.
A costume deposit will be due by auto-draft on November 13, 2025 in the amount of $85.00 per child. The costume deposit of $85.00 is non-refundable. This deposit is your commitment to the recital. Costumes are ordered in December. Once costumes are ordered the full amount must be paid, as we are not able to receive a refund or return from the costume companies. The balance of all costumes will be due by January 15, 2026. If payment declines more than twice after the due date for costume deposit and costume balances a late fee of $20.00 will be charged to your account.
RECITAL FEE: (Fall Only)
All students performing in the recital must pay a recital fee. The fee covers all costs involved in the production including theater rental, professional sound system rental and technicians, professional lighting system rental and technicians, scenery rental and theater staff. The cost is as follows: $150.00 for one student, $250.00 for two students in a family, and $300.00 for three students in a family. The recital fee is due on March 12, 2026. If payment declines more than twice after the due date for recital fee a late fee of $20.00 will be charged to your account.
All NSF checks will be charged a $25.00 NSF fee. Failure to make payment on NSF checks for more than 3 weeks will result in termination of lessons.
Body Expressions yearly tuition rates guarantee a minimum of 30 classes per year. We do, however, average more classes per year to allow for unforeseen occurrences such as exceptionally bad weather. If for some reason we fall below the guaranteed 30 classes we will hold make-up classes.
In the event of a government issued mandatory closure for any reason, Body Expressions will provide you with online classes and instruction in place of in-person classes until the closure is lifted.
Fall: There is a two-month minimum for all lessons. Withdrawals must be done within the first 15 days of each month from November through January. There will be no withdrawals accepted after January 31, 2026. Withdrawals must be done in person and will not be accepted over the phone. Withdrawals must be done at the information desk, not with the individual teacher. Withdrawals must occur within the first 15 days of the month in order for the automatic payments to stop for the next month. If a withdrawal is made on the 16th - 31st of any month, you will be required to pay the following month. Your child can come to the classes until automatic payment stops. To withdraw from a class a parent or adult student must:
1. Inform the office personnel in person, and
2. Complete and fill out a withdrawal form provided by the office personnel within the first 15 days of the month.
NO withdrawals will be accepted, and no refunds will be given for tuition, costumes, or recital fee after January 31, 2026. All automatic bank debiting or credit card charges will stop after the thirty-day notice from the first 15 days of the month. Body Expressions reserves the right to terminate lessons to any students without notice. In such a case a refund will be given.
Required dance wear and dance shoes must be worn to all classes. Failure to wear the required dance wear to class may result in students being asked not to participate. Repeated failure to wear the required dance wear may result in termination of dance lessons. Students are not permitted to wear jeans, shorts of any kind, school uniforms, etc. Long hair must be tied off the dancer's face. For more detailed dance wear requirements, please refer to the Body Expressions dress code located on our website.
Repeated lateness may result in termination of lessons. A minimum attendance level will be required. If a student misses more than 10 classes without written notice, the school reserves the right to terminate lessons. Your child may come to class to finish out the dance year; however, your child will not be able to participate in the dance for the recital. There are no make-up classes for absences. A written notice will be sent to you when and if your child reaches a total of 8 absences in their class(es).
It is the responsibility of the parent, legal guardian, or adult student to be aware of all school activities, such as viewing days, costume payment due dates, recital fee due dates, ad due dates, rehearsal and recital dates, and holidays when the studio is closed. Body Expressions does not send monthly bills home. It is the parents responsibility to regularly check bulletin boards or our website at to ensure they are informed of all due dates and events. The school will post all such notices on the bulletin board as well as sending monthly newsletters via email and the website. It is also the parents responsibility or adult student to inform the school of any address, telephone, or debit or credit card changes.
The school is not responsible for providing before or after care for students. Students are not to be left unattended at the school for excessive amounts of time before or after their scheduled class.
As with all exercise and dance programs, when taking class in-person or online, you will need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any dance or exercise program. By performing any dance or fitness exercises you are performing them at your own risk. Body Expressions nor its instructors will be held responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our dance program, online videos, online instruction or any information shared on our website, emails, text messages or social media pages. Parents, legal guardians of minor students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on school property resulting from normal dance activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during or after class time or any activity associated with the studio, such as recital, rehearsals, competitions, performances or any functions held in the studio.
In case of accidents or sickness, I consent to emergency medical care for my child/myself to be provided by ambulance or hospital personnel. I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and other contagious diseases and viruses and voluntarily assume the risk and I and/or my children may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending and participating in studio activities and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury/illness/permanent disability and death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 and other contagious diseases and viruses may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others including but not limited to employees, instructors, volunteers and program participants and their families.
The school is hereby granted permission to take photographs of the students and/or videos of classroom participation to use in brochures, studio website, social media pages, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials the school creates. Permission is also hereby granted for the school to copyright such photos and/or videos in its name. If you choose NOT to consent to the use of photographs and/or videos of your dancer, you must provide written notice to the Directors as soon as possible.
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